Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts with Industry
Contract with Andra financing the two years postdoctoral position of Nabil Birgle (april 2016- march 2018) and dealing with domain decomposition algorithms to couple the non-isothermal liquid gas Darcy flow and the free gas flow occurring at the interface between the nuclear waste repository and the ventilation galleries. Supervision Roland Masson from LJAD-Inria and Laurent Trenty from Andra.
Contract with Andra financing the two year postdoctoral position of Joubine Aghili (october 2017 - september 2019) and dealing with the simulation of compositional liquid gas Darcy flows in highly heterogeneous porous medium with network of fractures using Discrete Fracture Matrix models (DFM). It is applied to the simulation of the desaturation of the nuclear waste storage in the neighbourhood of the galleries. Supervision Roland Masson and Konstantin Brenner from LJAD-Inria, Jean-Raynald de Dreuzy from Geosciences Rennes and Laurent Trenty from Andra.