Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Members of the team are faculties of University Nice Sophia Antipolis and they teach in all degrees of the University.
Florent Berthelin, Master 2 Agrégation, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis.
Florent Berthelin, Chair of the Master 2 Agrégation, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis.
Thierry Goudon is President of the national competition to hire teachers (agregation de mathematiques).
Stella Krell, Linear Algebra, Master 1 enseignement, ESPE Nice, 23h.
Stella Krell, Didactics of mathematics, Master 1 EEF, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 43h.
Stella Krell, Theses and placement supervision, Master 2 EEF, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 12h.
Stella Krell, Preparation to mathematics agrégation interne, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 18h.
Stella Krell, Intervention, Master 2 enseignement, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 3h.
Laurent Monasse, Introduction to analysis and dynamical systems, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, 20h.
PhD: Julian Hennicker, Hybrid dimensional modeling of multi-phase Darcy flows in fractured porous media, Univ Nice - Sophia Antipolis, 10 July 2017, Roland Masson and Konstantin Brenner
PhD: Thi Huong Le, On some periodic solutions of discrete vibro-impact systems with a unilateral contact condition, Univ Nice - Sophia Antipolis, 16 June 2017, Stéphane Junca
PhD in progress: Kevin Atsou, Mathematical modeling of tumor growth, analysis and simulation, 01 October 2017, Thierry Goudon
PhD in progress: Laurence Beaude, Discretization of high energy geothermal systems in faulted porous media, 01 October 2015, Roland Masson, Konstantin Brenner, Simon Lopez and Farid Smai
PhD in progress: Billel Guelmame, Conservation laws in mechanics, 01 October 2017, Stéphane Junca
PhD in progress: Giulia Lissonni, DDFV methods and domain decomposition: applications in fluid mechanics, 01 September 2016, Stella Krell and Thierry Goudon.
PhD in progress: Julie Llobell, Numerical schemes on staggered grids for conservation laws, 01 September 2015, Thierry Goudon and Sebastian Minjeaud
PhD in progress: Leo Vivion, Dynamical model of a Lorentz gas : kinetic approach, analysis and asymptotic issues, 01 September 2017, Thierry Goudon
PhD in progress: Frédéric Marazzato, Modeling of fracture and fragmentation using a Discrete Element method, 01 October 2016, Alexandre Ern, Karam Sab and Laurent Monasse.
Laurent Monasse, Examiner, PhD defense Julien Ridoux, Université Paris 6, 4 October 2017.
Thierry Goudon, Pdt HDR defese F. Laurent-Nègre, “Méthodes de moments pour la description de sprays et d'aérosols : modélisations et simulations num'eriques”, ECParis, Mars 2017.
Thierry Goudon, referee PhD defense T. Blanc, “Étude mathématique des problèmes paraboliques fortement anisotropes”, Marseille, Déc. 2017.