Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

Member of the organizing committee

Catuscia Palamidessi is member of:

  • The Executive Committee of SIGLOG, the ACM Special Interest Group on Logic and Computation. Since 2014.

  • The Organizing Committee of LICS, the ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science. Since 2010.

  • The Steering Committee of ETAPS, the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software. Since 2006.

  • The Steering Committee of EACSL, the European Association for Computer Science Logics. Since 2015.

  • The Steering Committee of CONCUR, the International Conference in Concurrency Theory. Since 2016.

  • The Steering Committee of FORTE, the International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems. Since 2014.

  • The IFIP Technical Committee 1 – Foundations of Computer Science. Since 2007.

  • The IFIP Working Group 1.7 – Theoretical Foundations of Security Analysis and Design. Since 2010.

  • The IFIP Working Group 1.8 – Concurrency Theory.

Frank D. Valencia is member of:

  • The steering committee of the International Workshop in Concurrency EXPRESS. Since 2010.

Scientific events selection

Member of conference program committees

Catuscia Palamidessi is/has been a member of the program committees of the following conferences and workshops:

  • PETS 2019. The 19th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium. July 2019.

  • TASE 2018. The 12th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering Guangzhou, China, 29-31 August 2018.

  • PETS 2018. The 18th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium. Barcelona, Spain, 24-27 July 2018.

  • FOSSACS 2018. The 21st International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures. (Part of ETAPS 2018.) Thessaloniki, Greece, 14-21 April 2018.

  • SOFSEM 2018. The 44th Annual Int'l Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (track on Foundations of Computer Science). Krems an der Donau, Austria, 29 January- 2 February, 2018.

  • ICTAC 2017. The 14th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing. Hanoi, Vietnam, 23-27 October 2017.

  • TASE 2017. The 11th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering. Nice, France, 13-15 September 2017.

  • CONCUR 2017. The 28th International Conference on Concurrency Theory. Berlin, Germany, 5-8 September 2017.

  • CSL 2017. The 26th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic. Stockholm, Sweden, 20-25 August 2017.

  • ICSOFT-PT 2017. The 12th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends. Lisbon, Portugal, 24-26 July 2017.

  • ICALP 2017 (Track B). The 44th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming. Warsaw, Poland, 10–14 July 2017.

  • FORTE 2017. The 37th IFIP International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems. Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 19-22 June 2017.

  • CSR 2017. The 12th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia. Kazan, Russia, 8–12 June 2017.

Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis is/has been a member of the program committees of the following conferences and workshops:

  • BMDA 2018: Workshop on Big Mobility Data Analytics

  • QAPL 2018: International Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages and Systems

  • HotSpot 2018: 6th Workshop on Hot Issues in Security Principles and Trust

  • ICDE 2017: IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering

  • CSF 2017: 30th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium

  • POST 2017: 6th International Conference on Principles of Security and Trust

  • BIGQP 2017: International Workshop on Big Geo Data Quality and Privacy

Frank D. Valencia is/has been a member of the program committees of the following conferences and workshops:

  • RADICAL-2017. International Workshop Recent Advances in Concurrency and Logic - RADICAL

  • CP-ICLP-SAT-DP-17. Doctoral Program of the 23rd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming


The members of the team reviewed several papers for international conferences and workshops.


Member of the editorial board

Catuscia Palamidessi is:

Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis is:


The members of the team regularly review papers for international journals and conferences.

Other Editorial Activities

Frank D. Valencia has been:

Participation in other committees

Catuscia Palamidessi has been serving in the following committees:

  • Member of the committee for the assignment of the Inria International Chairs.

  • Member of the committee for the Alonzo Church Award for Outstanding Contributions to Logic and Computation. Since 2015. In 2018 Palamidessi is the president of this committee.

  • President of the selection committee for the EATCS Best Paper Award at the ETAPS conferences. Since 2006.

Invited talks

Catuscia Palamidessi has given invited talks at the following conferences and workshops:

  • FACS 2017. The 14th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software. Barga, Portugal. 10-13 Oct, 2017.

  • Cybersecurity 2017. Focus Day on Cyber Security and Helthcare. In the context of the European Cyber Week. Rennes, France, 30 November 2017.

  • QuaSy 2017. Quantitative Systems: Theory and Applications. Como, Italy, 16-17 October 2017.

  • Women in Logic 2017, Reykjavik, Island, June 2017.

  • CrossFyre 2017 Workshop on Cryptography, Robustness, and Provably Secure Schemes. Paris. April 2017.

  • FORSE 2017 (Keynote speaker). 1st International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering. Porto, Portugal. 19–21 February, 2017.


Catuscia Palamidessi has served as:

  • Reviewer for the projects proposal for the program PRIN, sponsored by the Italian MIUR (“Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca”). Since 2004.

Frank Valencia has served as:

  • Directeur adjoint de l'UMR 7161, le Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Ecole Polytechnique (LIX). May 2016 - .