CQFD - 2017
Overall Objectives
Application Domains
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
Application Domains
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR Piece (2013-2017) of the program Jeunes chercheuses et jeunes chercheurs of the ANR

Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes (PDMP) are non-diffusive stochastic processes which naturally appear in many areas of applications as communication networks, neuron activities, biological populations or reliability ofcomplex systems. Their mathematical study has been intensively carried out in the past two decades but many challenging problems remain completely open. This project aims at federating a group of experts with different backgrounds (probability, statistics, analysis, partial derivative equations, modelling) in order to pool everyone's knowledge and create new tools to study PDMPs. The main lines of the project relate to estimation, simulation and asymptotic behaviors (long time, large populations, multi-scale problems) in the various contexts of application.

ANR StocMC (2014-2018) of the program Project Blanc of the ANR

The involved research groups are Inria Rennes/IRISA Team SUMO; Inria Rocquencourt Team Lifeware; LIAFA University Paris 7; Bordeaux University.

The aim of this research project is to develop scalable model checking techniques that can handle large stochastic systems. Large stochastic systems arise naturally in many different contexts, from network systems to system biology. A key stochastic model we will consider is from the biological pathway of apoptosis, the programmed cell death.

ANR BNPSI: Bayesian Non Parametric methods for Signal and Image Processing

Statistical methods have become more and more popular in signal and image processing over the past decades. These methods have been able to tackle various applications such as speech recognition, object tracking, image segmentation or restoration, classification, clustering, etc. We propose here to investigate the use of Bayesian nonparametric methods in statistical signal and image processing. Similarly to Bayesian parametric methods, this set of methods is concerned with the elicitation of prior and computation of posterior distributions, but now on infinite-dimensional parameter spaces. Although these methods have become very popular in statistics and machine learning over the last 15 years, their potential is largely underexploited in signal and image processing. The aim of the overall project, which gathers researchers in applied probabilities, statistics, machine learning and signal and image processing, is to develop a new framework for the statistical signal and image processing communities. Based on results from statistics and machine learning we aim at defining new models, methods and algorithms for statistical signal and image processing. Applications to hyperspectral image analysis, image segmentation, GPS localization, image restoration or space-time tomographic reconstruction will allow various concrete illustrations of the theoretical advances and validation on real data coming from realistic contexts.

Gaspard Monge Program for Optimisation and Operational Research (2017-2018)

The involved research groups are Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest Team CQFD and Thales Optronique. This new collaboration with Thales Optronique that started in October 2017 is funded by the Fondation Mathématique Jacques Hadamard. This is the continuation of the PhD Thesis of A. Geeraert. The objective of this project is to optimize the maintenance of a multi-component equipment that can break down randomly. The underlying problem is to choose the best dates to repair or replace components in order to minimize a cost criterion that takes into account costs of maintenance but also the cost associated to the unavailability of the system for the customer. In the PhD thesis of A. Geeraert, the model under consideration was rather simple and only a numerical approximation of the value function was provided. Here, our objective is more ambitious. A more realistic model will be considered and our aim is to provide a tractable quasi-optimal control strategy that can be applied in practice to optimize the maintenance of such equipments.