Section: New Results
Design methods for reconfiguration controller design in computing systems
We apply the results of the previous axes of the team's activity to a range of infrastructures of different natures, but sharing a transversal problem of reconfiguration control design. From this very diversity of validations and experiences, we draw a synthesis of the whole approach, towards a general view of Feedback Control as MAPE-K loop in Autonomic Computing [20] [19].
High-Performance Computing
Participants : Soguy Mak Kare Gueye, Gwenaël Delaval, Stéphane Mocanu, Bogdan Robu, Eric Rutten.
Towards a Control-Theory based approach for cluster overload avoidance
This work is addressing the problem of automated resource management in an HPC infrastructure, using techniques from Control Theory to design a controller that maximizes cluster utilization while avoiding overload. We put in place a mechanism for feedback (Proportional Integral, PI) to system software, through a maximum number of jobs to be sent to the cluster, in response to system information about the current number jobs processed.
This work is done in cooperation with the Datamove team of Inria/LIG, and Gipsa-lab. It was the topic of the internship of Emmanuel Stahl for the Grenoble INP ENSE engineering school, [21].
Reconfiguration control in DPR FPGA
DPR FPGA and discrete control for reconfiguration
Implementing self-adaptive embedded systems, such as UAV drones, involves an offline provisioning of the several implementations of the embedded functionalities with different characteristics in resource usage and performance in order for the system to dynamically adapt itself under uncertainties. FPGA-based architectures offer for support for high flexibility with dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) features. We propose an autonomic control architecture for self-adaptive and self-reconfigurable FPGA-based embedded systems. The control architecture is structured in three layers: a mission manager, a reconfiguration manager and a scheduling manager. In this work we focus on the design of the reconfiguration manager. We propose a design approach using automata-based discrete control. It involves reactive programming that provides formal semantics, and discrete controller synthesis from declarative objectives.
This work is in the framework of the ANR project HPeC (see Section 8.2.1), and is published in the AHS 2017 conference [16].
Mission management and stochastic control
In the Mission Management workpackage of the ANR project HPeC, a concurrent control methodology is constructed for the optimal mission planning of a U.A.V. in stochastic environnement. The control approach is based on parallel ressource sharing Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes modeling of the mission. The parallel POMDP are reduced to discrete Markov Decision Models using Bayesian Networks evidence for state identification. The control synthesis is an iterative two step procedure : first MDP are solved for the optimisation of a finite horizon cost problem ; then the possible ressource conflicts between parallel actions are solved either by a priority policy or by a QoS degradation of actions, e.g., like using a lower resolution version of the image processing task if the ressource availability is critical.
Participants : Neïl Ayeb, Adja Sylla, Gwenaël Delaval, Stéphane Mocanu, Eric Rutten.
Control of smart buildings
A smart environment is equipped with numerous devices (i.e., sensors, actuators) that are possibly distributed over different locations (e.g., rooms of a smart building). These devices are automatically controlled to achieve different objectives related, for instance, to comfort, security and energy savings. Controlling smart environment devices is not an easy task. This is due to: the heterogeneity of devices, the inconsistencies that can result from communication errors or devices failure, and the conflicting decisions including those caused by environment dependencies.
Our work proposes a design framework for the reliable and environment aware management of smart environment devices. The framework is based on the combination of the rule based middleware LINC and the automata based language Heptagon/BZR (H/BZR). It consists of: an abstraction layer for the heterogeneity of devices, a transactional execution mechanism to avoid inconsistencies and a controller that, based on a generic model of the environment, makes appropriate decisions and avoids conflicts. A case study with concrete devices, in the field of building automation, is presented to illustrate the framework.
This work is in the framework of the cooperation with CEA (see Section 7.1), and is published in the Springer Journal of Internet Services and Applications, with recognized editors from the Middleware community [13]
Device management
The research topic is targeting an adaptative and decentralized management for the IoT. It will contribute design methods for processes in virtualized gateways in order to enhance IoT infrastructures.
More precisely, it concerns Device Management in the case of large numbers of connected sensors and actuators, as can be found in Smart Home and Building, Smart Electricity grids, and industrial frameworks as in Industry 4.0.
In contrast with a centralized management of such large sets of devices, for the autonomic management of their adaptations, upgrades and other commands, the objective its to target a distributed management, enabling local decisions, by proposing an appropriate middleware framework. These local adjustments will be processed using context data. The context is a synchronized (i.e., always up-to-date with reality) description of concepts and relations. Technically, the context data information are extracted from multiple sources such as IT environment, user environment and physical environment.
This work is in the framework of the Inria/Orange labs joint laboratory (see Section 7.2.1), and supported by the CIFRE PhD thesis grant of Neïl Ayeb, starting dec. 2017.
Security in SCADA industrial systems
We focus mainly on vulnerability search, automatic attack vectors synthesis and intrusion detection. Model checking techniques are used for vulnerability search and automatic attack vectors construction. Intrusion detection is mainly based on process-oriented detection with a technical approach from run-time monitoring. The LTL formalism is used to express safety properties which are mined on an attack-free dataset. The resulting monitors are used for fast intrusion detections.
A demonstrator of attack/defense scenarion in SCADA systems will be built on the existing G-ICS lab (hosted by ENSE3/Grenoble-INP).
This work is in the framework of the ANR project Sacade on cybersecurity of industrial systems (see Section 8.2.2),