Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: Denis Trystram is responsible of the first year (M1) of the international Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble (MOSIG-M1).

  • Master: Pierre-François Dutot. 226 hours per year. Licence (first and second year) at IUT2/UPMF (Institut Universitaire Technologique de Univ. Grenoble-Alpes) and 9 hours Master M2R-ISC Informatique-Systèmes-Communication at Univ. Grenoble-Alpes.

  • Master: Grégory Mounié. 242 hours per year. Master (M1/2nd year and M2/3rd year) at Engineering school ENSIMAG, Grenoble-INP.

  • Master: Bruno Raffin. 28 hours per year. Parallel System. International Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble (MOSIG-M2).

  • Master: Olivier Richard. 222 hours per year. Master at Engineering school Polytech-Grenoble, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes.

  • Master: Denis Trystram. 200 hours per year in average, mainly at first level of Engineering School ENSIMAG, Grenoble-INP.

  • Master: Frédéric Wagner. 220 hours per year. Engineering school ENSIMAG, Grenoble-INP (M1/2nd year and M2/3rd year).

  • Master: Yves Denneulin. 70 hours per year. Engineering school ENSIMAG, Grenoble-INP (M1/2nd year and M2/3rd year).


  • PhD: Raphaël Bleuse, Affinity Scheduling, Defended November 2017, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes. Adviser: Denis Trystram and Gregory Mounié.

  • PhD: Millian Poquet, Energy consumption optimization for high performance computing, Defended December 2017, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes. Advisers: Denis Trystram and Pierre-François Dutot

  • PhD: Abhinav Srivastav, Multi-objective Scheduling, Defended May 2017, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes. Advisers: Denis Trystram and Oded Maler

  • PhD: Fernando Machado Mendonca, Locality Aware Scheduling, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes, Defended April 2017, Advisers: Frederic Wagner and Denis Trystram.

  • PhD: Julio Toss, Parallel Algorithms and Data Structures for Physically Based Simulation of Deformable Objects, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes and UFRGS (co-tutelle). Defended October 2015. Advisers: Bruno Raffin and Joao Comba (UFRGS).

  • PhD in progress : Estelle Dirand, Integration of High-Performance Data Analytics and IOs for Molecular Dynamics on Exascale Computer, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes. Started January 2016. Advisers: Bruno Raffin and Laurent Colombet (CEA).

  • PhD in progress: Michael Mercier, Resource Management and Job Scheduling in HPC–Cloud environments towards the Big Data era, Univ. Grenoble Alpes. Started October 2016. Advisers: Olivier Richard and Bruno Raffin.

  • PhD in progress: Valentin Reis, Machine Learning for resource management, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes. Started October 2015. Advisers: Denis Trystram and Eric Gaussier

  • PhD in progress: Alessandro Kraemer, Scheduling in the Cloud, Univ Grenoble-Alpes and UFPR (co-tutelle). Started October 2014. Advisers: Olivier Richard and Denis Trystram.

  • PhD in progress: Mohammed Khatiri, Tasks scheduling on heterogeneous Multicore, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes and University Mohammed First (co-tutelle), Advisers: Denis Trystram, El Mostafa DAOUDI (University Mohammed First, Oujda, Morocco)

  • PhD in progress: Adrien Faure, Advisers: Denis Trystram

  • PhD in progress: Clément Mommessin, Advisers: Denis Trystram


  • PhD Defense of Jorge F. Fabeiro, Tools for Improving Performance Portability in Heterogeneous Environments, 13th of July 2017. Univesidade da Coruña, Spain. Jury President.

  • PhD Defense Xavier Martinez, Tracking sans marqueur de modèles physiques modulaires et articulés: vers une interface tangible pour la manipulation de simulations moléculaires, 10th of October 2017. Université Paris-Sud, Paris Saclay. Jury Member.

  • PhD defense Jérôme Richard, Conception d’un modèle de composants logiciels avec ordonnancement de tâches pour les architectures parallèles multi-cœurs, application au code Gysela, 6th of December 2017. Université de Lyon. Jury President

  • PhD defense Sébastien Doutreligne, Interactive Molecular Dynamics Software Development: applications to biomolecule folding, 27th of October 2017. UPMC. Reviewer.

  • PhD defense Suraj Kumar, Scheduling of Dense Algebra Kernels on Heterogeneous Resources , Avril 2017. Univ of Bordeaux . Jury President.