DISCO - 2017
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master : Stefanella Boatto, Challenges in Biomathematical Modelling, 3h, M1, CentraleSupélec

  • Licence : Walid Djema, Computer Architecture and Assembly Programming, 40h, L1, University Paris-Saclay

  • Licence : Walid Djema, Computer Sciences project, 24h, L1, University Paris-Saclay

  • Master : Dina Irofti, Industrial IT services, Java, Networks, 64h, M1 and M2 University Paris-Sud

  • Master : Dina Irofti, Control Theory, Mathematics and Numericam Analysis, M1, 54h, ESIEE

  • Doctorat : Frederic Mazenc, introduction to the ordinary differential equations, Lypunov design, control and observation of nonlinear dynamical systems, 21h, PhD, International Graduate School on Control of the EECI, CentraleSupelec

  • Doctorat : Frederic Mazenc, Stability and Dichotomies on Differential and Delay Equations, 3 h, PhD, Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias

  • Licence : Sorin Olaru, Automatic Control, 8h , M1, SUPELEC, France

  • Licence : Sorin Olaru, Signals and systems, 8h , L3, SUPELEC, France

  • Licence : Sorin Olaru, Embedded systems, 8h , M1, Centrale Paris, France

  • Licence : Sorin Olaru, Numerical methods and Optimization, 24h, niveau M1, SUPELEC, France

  • Licence : Sorin Olaru, Hybrid systems, 16h, M2, SUPELEC, France

  • Licence : Guillaume Sandou, Signals and Systems, 87h, L3, CentraleSupélec

  • Licence : Guillaume Sandou, Mathematics and programming, 18h, L3, CentraleSupélec

  • Master : Guillaume Sandou, Automatic Control, 8h, M1, CentraleSupélec

  • Master : Guillaume Sandou, Numerical methods and optimization, 28h, M1 and M2, CentraleSupélec

  • Master : Guillaume Sandou, Modelling and system stability analysis, 21h, M2, CentraleSupélec

  • Master : Guillaume Sandou, Control of energy systems, 22h, M2, CentraleSupélec

  • Master : Guillaume Sandou, Robust control and mu-analysis, 9h, M2, CentraleSupélec

  • Master : Guillaume Sandou, Systems identification, 32h, M2, ENSTA

  • Master : Guillaume Sandou, System Analysis, 22h, M2, Ecole des Mines de Nantes

  • DUT : Ali Zemouche, Java Programing, 24 HTD, 2éme année DUT (Bac + 2), University of Lorraine, France


  • PhD in progress : Saeed Ahmed, Bilkent University, Stability analysis and control of switched systems with time-delay. Supervisor : Hitay Ozbay. Co-supervisor : Frédéric Mazenc.

  • PhD in progress : Nadine Aoun, Modélisation de réseaux de chaleur et gestion avancée multi-échelles de la production, de la distribution et de la demande. Modeling and multi-scale advanced management of production, distribution and demand in district heating networks. Supervisor: Guillaume Sandou.

  • PhD in progress : Caetano Cardeliquio, Stability and stabilization of (possibly fractional) systems with delays. French Supervisor : Catherine Bonnet, Brazilian Supervisor : André Fioravanti.

  • PhD : Walid Djema, Understanding Cell Dynamics in Cancer from Control and Mathematical biology Standpoints - Particular Insights in the Modeling and Analysis Aspects in Hematopoietic Systems and Leukemia, Université Paris-Saclay, 21 November 2017. Supervisor : Catherine Bonnet. Co-supervisors : Jean Clairambault and Frédéric Mazenc.

  • PhD : Dina Irofti, Delay effects: a journey from multi-agent systems to genetic networks, Université Paris-Saclay, 18 July 2017. Supervisor : Silviu Niculescu. Co-supervisor : Islam Boussaada.

  • PhD in progress : Mohamed Lotfi Derouiche, Sur l'optimisation par métaheuristiques avancées de lois de commande prédictive non linéaire. On the optimization of nonlinear predictive control laws using advanced metaheuristics algorithms. Supervisor: Soufienne Bouallegue, Joseph Haggége et Guillaume Sandou.

  • PhD in progress : Nicolo Gionfra, Optimisation du pilotage d'un parc d'énergies renouvelables avec stockage et du réseau de distribution sous-jacent. Optimization of the control of a park of renewable sources considering strorage means and distribution network. Supervisors: Houria Siguerdidjane et Guillaume Sandou.

  • PhD in progress : Juliette Pochet, Analyse de performance et de résilience d'une ligne de type RER équipée d'un automatisme CBTC. Analysis of the performance of a RER line with CBTC trains. Supervisor: Guillaume Sandou.

  • PhD in progress : Jean Mercat, Modele predictif des objets d'une scene routiere ; application à la sélection robuste des cibles pour les ADAS. Supervisor: Guillaume Sandou.

  • PhD in progress : Maxime Pouilly-Cathelain, Commande adaptative temps réel vis-a-vis de critères multiples de haut niveau. Supervisor : Guillaume Sandou.


  • Catherine Bonnet was a member of several recruiting committees: Junior Researcher competition in Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes and Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest and Professor competition at Université de Nancy.

  • Catherine Bonnet was the President of the PhD Defense juries of Yacine Boukal 'Observation et commande des systèmes dynamiques d'ordre non entier', 16 October 2017, Université de Nancy and of Jin Chi 'Stability analysis of systems with delay-dependant coefficients', L2S, CentraleSupelec, 21 November 2017.

  • Sorin Olaru was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of JULIAN BARREIRO GOMEZ at Universiy of Catalunya in Barcelona.

  • Sorin Olaru was a reviewer of the HDR thesis of Christophe Louembet.

  • Guillaume Sandou was a reviewer of Khaleb Laib PhD, Analyse hierarchisee de a robustesse des systemes incertains de grade dimension.

  • Guillaume Sandou was a reviewer of Damien Casetta PhD, Modele d'aide à la conduite de réseaux de froid.

  • Frederic Mazenc was a reviewer of the PhD thesis of Mohamed Maghenem, 'Commande en formation de véhicules autonomes' 05 July 2017, L2S, Centralesupelec.

  • Frederic Mazenc was a reviewer of the PhD thesis of Luis Borja Rosales, 'Stabilization of a class of nonlinear systems with passivity properties', 06 July 2017, L2S, Centralesupelec.

  • Frederic Mazenc was a reviewer of the PhD thesis of first half of the Phd ("suivi mi-parcours") of Mohamed Kahelras, 'Observation Problem for Different Classes of Nonlinear Delayed Systems', 9 October 2017, L2S, Centralesupelec.