New Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: A. Busic (Cours) and Sébastien Samain (TD) Structures et algorithmes aléatoires 80heqTD, L3, ENS, France.

  • Licence: B. Blaszczyszyn (Cours) Théorie de l'information et du codage 24 heqTD, L3, ENS, France.

  • Master: A. Busic (Cours + TD) Fondements de la modélisation des réseaux 18 heqTD, L3, ENS, France.

  • Master: Bartlomiej Blaszczyszyn (Cours) Processus ponctuels, graphes aléatoires et géeométrie stochastique 39heqTD, M2 Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires, UPMC, France

  • Master: Ana Busic and Marc Lelarge (Cours) et Rémi Varloot (TD) Modéles et algorithmes de réseaux, 50 heqTD, M1, ENS, Paris, France.

  • Master: B. Blaszczyszyn Introduction to Spatial Stochastic Modeling: Random Graphs, Point Processes and Stochastic Geometry (School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology), 15 lessons 1h30.


  • PhD: Lennart Gulikers “Trouver des algorithmes permettant de détecter des communautés dans des réseaux sociaux. Analyse de Stochastic Block Model et ses extensions” since 2015, defense 13 November 2017, going to Safran, supervised by Marc Lelarge with Laurent Massoulié.

  • PhD: Christelle Rovetta “Applications of perfect sampling to queuing networks and random generation of combinatorial objects”, since December 2013, defense 20 June 2017, co-advised by Anne Bouillard and Ana Busic.

  • PhD in progress: Léeo Miolane, since 2016, supervised by Marc Lelarge

  • PhD in progress: Dalia-Georgiana Herculea, since October 2016 co-advised by B. Blaszczyszyn, E. Altman and Ph. Jacquet

  • PhD in progress: Md Umar Hashmi, Decentralized control for renewable integration in smartgrids, from December 2015, co-advised by A. Busic and M. Lelarge

  • PhD in progress: Alexandre Hollocou, since December 2015, supervised by Marc Lelarge with Thomas Bonald

  • PhD in progress: Sébastien Samain, Monte Carlo methods for performance evaluation and reinforcement learning, from November 2016, supervised by A. Busic

  • PhD in progress: Quentin Le Gall, since October 2017, co-supervised by B. Blaszczyszyn and E. Cali (Orange).

  • PhD in progress: Arnaud Cadas [PSL] “Dynamic matching models”, since 2017, supervised by A. Busic.


  • B. Blaszczyszyn, PhD defense of Frederik Mallmann-Trenn (ENS).

  • A. Busic

    • Co-president of the Commission Emplois Scientifiques (CES) at Inria Paris (hiring committee for PhD, post-doc and visiting professor positions);

    • Member of the hiring committee for Assistant Professor at Ecole Normale Supérieure and IUT Orsay.