Section: New Software and Platforms


Topology and geometry of planar algebraic curves

Keywords: Topology - Curve plotting - Geometric computing

Functional Description: Isotop is a Maple software for computing the topology of an algebraic plane curve, that is, for computing an arrangement of polylines isotopic to the input curve. This problem is a necessary key step for computing arrangements of algebraic curves and has also applications for curve plotting. This software has been developed since 2007 in collaboration with F. Rouillier from Inria Paris - Rocquencourt. It is based on the method described in [Cheng, J., Lazard, S., Pe

News Of The Year: In 2017, an ADT FastTrack funded a 6 months engineer contract to port the Maple code to C code. In addition, another local engineer from Inria Nancy (Benjamin Dexheimer) implemented a web server to improve the diffusion of our software.