Section: Dissemination
Amos Korman wrote the atricle “Conseils d'une fourmi: Ne me prenez pas trop au sérieux !” published in the French journal interstices in 10.7.2017.
An article about a paper by Amos Korman, Adrian Kosowski and Lucas Boczkowski was published in CNRS news in 10.1.2017.
An article called “Les fourmis, génies de l’orientation” about a paper by Amos Korman, Adrian Kosowski and Lucas Boczkowski was published in Le Monde in 30.1.2017.
Laurent Viennot is “commissaire d'exposition” for the permanent exposition on “Informatique et sciences du numérique” at Palais de la déécouverte in Paris (opening in February 2018).