Section: New Results

Data Structure

Minimal perfect hash function

Participants : Antoine Limasset, Guillaume Rizk, Pierre Peterlongo.

Minimal perfect hash functions are fundamental objects used in many applications. Existing algorithms and implementations that build such functions have in practice some upper bounds on the number of input elements they can handle, due to high construction time and/or memory usage. We propose a simple algorithm having very competitive construction times, memory usage and query times compared to state of the art techniques [27]. We provide a parallel implementation called BBHash. It is capable of creating a minimal perfect hash function of 1010 elements in less than 1 hour and 4 GB of memory. To the best of our knowledge, this library is also the first that has been successfully tested on 1012 input elements. Source code: https://github.com/rizkg/BBHash


Participants : Camille Marchet, Antoine Limasset, Pierre Peterlongo.

Indexing massive data sets is extremely expensive for large scale problems. In many fields, huge amounts of data are currently generated, however extracting meaningful information from voluminous data sets, such as computing similarity between elements, is far from being trivial. It remains nonetheless a fundamental need. In this context, we proposed a probabilistic data structure based on a minimal perfect hash function for indexing large sets of keys. This structure out-competes the hash table for construction, query times and for memory usage, in the case of the indexation of a static set. To illustrate the impact of algorithms performances, we provided two applications based on similarity computation between collections of sequences, and for which this calculation is an expensive but required operation. In particular, we showed a practical case in which other bioinformatics tools failed to scale up the tested data set or provide lower recall quality results [43].