Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


We indicate below the number of hours spent in teaching activities on a yearly basis for each scientific staff member involved.

  • Undergraduate level/Licence

    • A. Esnard: System programming 36h, Computer architecture 40h, Network 23h at Bordeaux University.

    • M. Faverge: Programming environment 26h, Numerical algorithmic 30h, C projects 24h at Bordeaux INP (ENSEIRB-MatMeca).

    • P. Ramet: System programming 24h, Databases 32h, Object programming 48h, Distributed programming 32h, Cryptography 32h at Bordeaux University.

  • Post graduate level/Master

    • E. Agullo: Operating systems 24h at Bordeaux University ; Dense linear algebra kernels 8h, Numerical algorithms 30h at Bordeaux INP (ENSEIRB-MatMeca).

    • O. Coulaud: Paradigms for parallel computing 24h, Hierarchical methods 8h at Bordeaux INP (ENSEIRB-MatMeca).

    • A. Esnard: Network management 27h, Network security 27h at Bordeaux University; Programming distributed applications 35h at Bordeaux INP (ENSEIRB-MatMeca).

    • M. Faverge: System programming 74h, Load balancing and scheduling 13h at Bordeaux INP (ENSEIRB-MatMeca).

      He is also in charge of the master 2 internship for the Computer Science department at Bordeaux INP (ENSEIRB-MatMeca).

    • L. Giraud: Introduction to intensive computing and related programming tools 20h, INSA Toulouse; Introduction to high performance computing and applications 20h, ISAE; On mathematical tools for numerical simulations 10h, ENSEEIHT Toulouse; Parallel sparse linear algebra 11h at Bordeaux INP (ENSEIRB-MatMeca).

    • A. Guermouche: Network management 92h, Network security 64h, Operating system 24h at Bordeaux University.

    • P. Ramet: Load balancing and scheduling 13h, Numerical algorithms 30h at Bordeaux INP (ENSEIRB-MatMeca). He also gives classes on Cryptography 30h, Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam.

    • J. Roman: Parallel sparse linear algebra 10h, Algorithmic and parallel algorithms 22h at Bordeaux INP (ENSEIRB-MatMeca).

      He is also in charge of the last year “Parallel and Distributed Computing” option at ENSEIRB-MatMeca which is specialized in HPC (methodologies and applications). This is a common training curriculum between Computer Science and MatMeca departments at Bordeaux INP and with Bordeaux University in the context of Computer Science Research Master. It provides a lot of well-trained internship students for Inria projects working on HPC and simulation.

  • Summer School: on an annual basis, we run a three day advanced training (lecture and hands on) on parallel linear algebra in the framework of the European PRACE PATC (PRACE Advanced Training Centres) initiative. This training has been organized in many places in France and Europe.


  • HdR : Abdou Guermouche, Towards efficient sparse direct solvers for modern high-performance architectures, Université de Bordeaux, 27 novembre 2017.

  • HdR : Pierre Ramet, Hierachical matrices, Hybrid methods, Heterogeneous architectures in sparse linear solvers, Université de Bordeaux, 27 novembre 2017.

  • PhD in progress : Nicolas Bouzat; Fine grain algorithms and deployment methods for exascale plasma physic applications ; M.Mehrenberger (TONUS project-team), J.Roman, G. Latu (CEA-IRFM ).

  • PhD in progress : Arnaud Durocher; High performance Dislocation Dynamics simulations on heterogeneous computing platforms for the study of creep deformation mechanisms for nuclear applications; O. Coulaud, L. Dupuy (CEA).

  • PhD in progress : Aurélien Falco; Data sparse calculation in FEM/BEM solution; E. Agullo, L. Giraud, G. Sylvand.

  • PhD in progress : Grégoire Pichon; Utilisation de techniques de compression -matrices pour solveur direct creux parallèle dans le cadre des applications FEM; M. Faverge, P. Ramet.

  • PhD in progress : Louis Poirel; Algebraic coarse space correction for parallel hybrid solvers; E. Agullo, L. Giraud.


  • Vanessa C. Vargas Vallejo, “Approche logicielle pour améliorer la fiabilité d'applications parallèles implémentées sur des processeurs multi-cœur et many-cœur”, referee: L. Giraud, O. Romain, Université Joseph-Fourier de Grenoble, spécialité: nano électronique et nano technologie, 28 April 2018.

  • Roberto Molina, “Hybridation of FETI methods", referee: L. Giraud, D. J. Rixen; Université Pierre et Marie Curie, spécialité: mathématiques appliquées, 19 Décembre 2017.

  • Krishna Kant Singh, "Algorithms for Adaptively Restrained Molecular Dynamics", referee: O. Coulaud, K. Hinsen. Université Joseph-Fourier de Grenoble, spécialité: informatique , 8 Novembre 2017.