Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

InriaHub ADT ULTRAHD (January-December 2017)

Participants : Rémi Ronfard, Frédéric Devernay, Alexandre Gauthier.

This one-year contract was funding Alexandre Gauthier as a research engineer, with the goal of re-writing the code from Vineet Gandhi's PhD thesis into a suite of NATRON plugins. The resulting software was entirely re-designed for supporting ultra high definition video. The suite of plugins is collectively known as "Kino AI". The software is being extensively tested on a large dataset of 4K video recordings of theatre rehearsals, in collaboration with the Litt&Arts team at Univ. Grenoble Alpes, theatre director Jean-Francois Peyret in Paris, Theatre de l'Hexagone in Meylan and Theatre de Vidy in Lausanne.

FUI LIVE360 (December 2015 - December 2018)

Participants : Frédéric Devernay, Sandra Nabil.

This 3-year contract with industrial partner GoPRO is funding the PhD thesis of Sandra Nabil.

FUI Collodi 2 (December 2016 - December 2018)

Participants : Remi Ronfard, Maguelonne Beaud de Brives, Julien Daval, Damien Rohmer, Marie-Paule Cani.

This 2-year contract with two industrial partners: TeamTo and Mercenaries Engineering (software for production rendering), is a follow-up and a generalization of Dynam'it and Collodi 1. The goal is to propose an integrated software for the animation and final rendering of high-quality movies, as an alternative to the ever-ageing Maya. The project is funding 2 engineers for 2 years.

ANR E-ROMA (November 2017 - October 2020)

Participants : Remi Ronfard, Stefanie Hahmann, Damien Rohmer, Marie-Paule Cani, Pierre Casati.

This 3-year contract is a joint project with GeoMod team at LIRIS and the musée gallo-romain in Lyon. The contract started in November 2017 and is funding the PhD thesis of Pierre Casati.

ANR FOLDYN (November 2017 - October 2020)

Participants : Damien Rohmer, Marie-Paule Cani, Thomas Buffet.

This 3-year contract is a joint project with the University of Toulouse. The contract started in November 2018 and is funding the PhD thesis of Thomas Buffet.