Section: New Results

Multiscale numerical methods

Asymptotic preserving and time diminishing schemes for rarefied gas dynamic

In [10], we introduce a new class of numerical schemes for rarefied gas dynamic problems described by collisional kinetic equations. The idea consists in reformulating the problem using a micro-macro decomposition and successively in solving the microscopic part by using asymptotic preserving Monte Carlo methods. We consider two types of decompositions, the first leading to the Euler system of gas dynamics while the second to the Navier-Stokes equations for the macroscopic part. In addition, the particle method which solves the microscopic part is designed in such a way that the global scheme becomes computationally less expensive as the solution approaches the equilibrium state as opposite to standard methods for kinetic equations which computational cost increases with the number of interactions. At the same time, the statistical error due to the particle part of the solution decreases as the system approach the equilibrium state. This causes the method to degenerate to the sole solution of the macroscopic hydrodynamic equations (Euler or Navier-Stokes) in the limit of infinite number of collisions. In a last part, we will show the behaviors of this new approach in comparisons to standard Monte Carlo techniques for solving the kinetic equation by testing it on different problems which typically arise in rarefied gas dynamic simulations.

An exponential integrator for the drift-kinetic model

In [30], we propose an exponential integrator for the drift-kinetic equations in polar geometry. This approach removes the CFL condition from the linear part of the system (which is often the most stringent requirement in practice) and treats the remainder explicitly using Arakawa's finite difference scheme. The present approach is mass conservative, up to machine precision, and significantly reduces the computational effort per time step. In addition, we demonstrate the efficiency of our method by performing numerical simulations in the context of the ion temperature gradient instability. In particular, we find that our numerical method can take time steps comparable to what has been reported in the literature for the (predominantly used) splitting approach. In addition, the proposed numerical method has significant advantages with respect to conservation of energy and efficient higher order methods can be obtained easily. We demonstrate this by investigating the performance of a fourth order implementation.

Multiscale Particle-in-Cell methods and comparisons for the long-time two-dimensional Vlasov-Poisson equation with strong magnetic field

In [11], we applied different kinds of multiscale methods to numerically study the long-time Vlasov-Poisson equation with a strong magnetic field. The multiscale methods include an asymptotic preserving Runge-Kutta scheme, an exponential time differencing scheme, stroboscopic averaging method and a uniformly accurate two-scale formulation. We briefly review these methods and then adapt them to solve the Vlasov-Poisson equation under a Particle-in-Cell discretization. Extensive numerical experiments are conducted to investigate and compare the accuracy, efficiency, and long-time behavior of all the methods. The methods with the best performance under different parameter regimes are identified.

Nonlinear Geometric Optics based multiscale stochastic Galerkin methods for highly oscillatory transport equations with random inputs

In [31], we develop generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) based stochastic Galerkin (SG) methods for a class of highly oscillatory transport equations that arise in semiclassical modeling of non-adiabatic quantum dynamics. These models contain uncertainties, particularly in coefficients that correspond to the potentials of the molecular system. We first focus on a highly oscillatory scalar model with random uncertainty. Our method is built upon the nonlinear geometrical optics (NGO) based method, developed in [12] for numerical approximations of deterministic equations, which can obtain accurate pointwise solution even without numerically resolving spatially and temporally the oscillations. With the random uncertainty, we show that such a method has oscillatory higher order derivatives in the random space, thus requires a frequency dependent discretization in the random space. We modify this method by introducing a new " time " variable based on the phase, which is shown to be non-oscillatory in the random space, based on which we develop a gPC-SG method that can capture oscillations with the frequency-independent time step, mesh size as well as the degree of polynomial chaos. A similar approach is then extended to a semiclassical surface hopping model system with a similar numerical conclusion. Various numerical examples attest that these methods indeed capture accurately the solution statistics pointwisely even though none of the numerical parameters resolve the high frequencies of the solution.

Nonlinear Geometric Optics method based multi-scale numerical schemes for highly-oscillatory transport equations

In [12], we introduce a new numerical strategy to solve a class of oscillatory transport PDE models which is able to capture accurately the solutions without numerically resolving the high frequency oscillations in both space and time. Such PDE models arise in semiclassical modeling of quantum dynamics with band-crossings, and other highly oscillatory waves. Our first main idea is to use the nonlinear geometric optics ansatz, which builds the oscillatory phase into an independent variable. We then choose suitable initial data, based on the Chapman-Enskog expansion, for the new model. For a scalar model, we prove that so constructed model will have certain smoothness, and consequently, for a first order approximation scheme we prove uniform error estimates independent of the (possibly small) wave length. The method is extended to systems arising from a semiclassical model for surface hopping, a non-adiabatic quantum dynamic phenomenon. Numerous numerical examples demonstrate that the method has the desired properties.

High-order Hamiltonian splitting for Vlasov-Poisson equations

In [5], we consider the Vlasov-Poisson equation in a Hamiltonian framework and derive new time splitting methods based on the decomposition of the Hamiltonian functional between the kinetic and electric energy. Assuming smoothness of the solutions, we study the order conditions of such methods. It appears that these conditions are of Runge-Kutta-Nyström type. In the one dimensional case, the order conditions can be further simplified, and efficient methods of order 6 with a reduced number of stages can be constructed. In the general case, high-order methods can also be constructed using explicit computations of commutators. Numerical results are performed and show the benefit of using high-order splitting schemes in that context. Complete and self-contained proofs of convergence results and rigorous error estimates are also given.

A particle micro-macro decomposition based numerical scheme for collisional kinetic equations in the diffusion scaling

In [29], we derive particle schemes, based on micro-macro decomposition, for linear kinetic equations in the diffusion limit. Due to the particle approximation of the micro part, a splitting between the transport and the collision part has to be performed, and the stiffness of both these two parts prevent from uniform stability. To overcome this difficulty, the micro-macro system is reformulated into a continuous PDE whose coefficients are no longer stiff, and depend on the time step Δt in a consistent way. This non-stiff reformulation of the micro-macro system allows the use of standard particle approximations for the transport part, and extends a previous work where a particle approximation has been applied using a micro-macro decomposition on kinetic equations in the fluid scaling. Beyond the so-called asymptotic-preserving property which is satisfied by our schemes, they significantly reduce the inherent noise of traditional particle methods, and they have a computational cost which decreases as the system approaches the diffusion limit.

Uniformly accurate forward semi-Lagrangian methods for highly oscillatory Vlasov-Poisson equation

This work [13] is devoted to the numerical simulation of a Vlasov-Poisson equation modeling charged particles in a beam submitted to a highly oscillatory external electric field. A numerical scheme is constructed for this model. This scheme is uniformly accurate with respect to the size of the fast time oscillations of the solution, which means that no time step refinement is required to simulate the problem. The scheme combines the forward semi-Lagrangian method with a class of Uniformly Accurate (UA) time integrators to solve the characteristics. These UA time integrators are derived by means of a two-scale formulation of the characteristics, with the introduction of an additional periodic variable. Numerical experiments are done to show the efficiency of the proposed methods compared to conventional approaches.

Uniformly accurate multiscale time integrators for second order oscillatory differential equations with large initial data

In [23], we apply the modulated Fourier expansion to a class of second order differential equations which consists of an oscillatory linear part and a nonoscillatory nonlinear part, with the total energy of the system possibly unbounded when the oscillation frequency grows. We comment on the difference between this model problem and the classical energy bounded oscillatory equations. Based on the expansion, we propose the multiscale time integrators to solve the ODEs under two cases: the nonlinearity is a polynomial or the frequencies in the linear part are integer multiples of a single generic frequency. The proposed schemes are explicit and efficient. The schemes have been shown from both theoretical and numerical sides to converge with a uniform second order rate for all frequencies. Comparisons with popular exponential integrators in the literature are done.

Unconditional and optimal H2-error estimates of two linear and conservative finite difference schemes for the Klein-Gordon-Schrödinger equation in high dimensions

In [21], we focus on the optimal error bounds of two finite difference schemes for solving the d-dimensional (d=2,3) nonlinear Klein-Gordon-Schrödinger (KGS) equations. The proposed finite difference schemes not only conserve the mass and energy in the discrete level but also are efficient in practical computation because only two linear systems need to be solved at each time step. Besides the standard energy method, an induction argument as well as a 'lifting' technique are introduced to establish rigorously the optimal H2-error estimates without any restrictions on the grid ratios, while the previous works either are not rigorous enough or often require certain restriction on the grid ratios. The convergence rates of the proposed schemes are proved to beat O(h2+τ2) with mesh size h and time step τ in the discrete H2-norm. The analysis method can be directly extended to other linear finite difference schemes for solving the KGS equations in high dimensions. Numerical results are reported to confirm the theoretical analysis for the proposed finite difference schemes

A combination of multiscale time integrator and two-scale formulation for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with wave operator

In [22], we consider the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with wave operator (NLSW), which contains a dimensionless parameter 0<ε1. As 0<ε<<1, the solution of the NLSW propagates fast waves in time with wavelength O(ε2) and the problem becomes highly oscillatory in time. The oscillations come from two parts. One part is from the equation and another part is from the initial data. For the ill-prepared initial data case as described in Bao and Cai (2014) which brings inconsistency in the limit regime, standard numerical methods have strong convergence order reduction in time when becomes small. We review two existing methods to solve the NLSW: an exponential integrator and a two-scale method. We comment on their order reduction issues. Then we derive a multiscale decomposition two-scale method for solving the NLSW by first performing a multiscale decomposition on the NLSW which decomposes it into a well-behaved part and an energy-unbounded part, and then applying an exponential integrator for the well-behaved part and a two-scale approach for the energy-unbounded part. Numerical experiments are conducted to test the proposed method which shows uniform second order accuracy without significant order reduction for all 0<ε1. Comparisons are made with the existing methods.

Uniformly accurate numerical schemes for the nonlinear Dirac equation in the nonrelativistic limit regime

In [18], we apply the two-scale formulation approach to propose uniformly accurate (UA) schemes for solving the nonlinear Dirac equation in the nonrelativistic limit regime. The nonlinear Dirac equation involves two small scales ε and ε2 with epsilon 0 in the nonrelativistic limit regime. The small parameter causes high oscillations in time which brings severe numerical burden for classical numerical methods. We transform our original problem as a two-scale formulation and present a general strategy to tackle a class of highly oscillatory problems involving the two small scales ε and ε2. Suitable initial data for the two-scale formulation is derived to bound the time derivatives of the augmented solution. Numerical schemes with uniform (with respect to ε(0;1]) spectral accuracy in space and uniform first order or second order accuracy in time are proposed. Numerical experiments are done to confirm the UA property.

A formal series approach to the center manifold theorem

In [6], we consider near-equilibrium systems of ordinary differential equations with explicit separation of the slow and stable manifolds. Formal B-series like those previously used to analyze highly-oscillatory systems or to construct modified equations are employed here to construct expansions of the change of variables, the center invariant manifold and the reduced model. The new approach may be seen as a process of reduction to a normal form, with the main advantage, as compared to the standard view conveyed by the celebrated center manifold theorem, that it is possible to recover the complete solution at any time through an explicit change of variables.

Convergence of multi-revolution composition time-splitting methods for highly oscillatory differential equations of Schrödinger type

In [8], the convergence behaviour of multi-revolution composition methods combined with time-splitting methods is analysed for highly oscillatory linear differential equations of Schrödinger type. Numerical experiments illustrate and complement the theoretical investigations.

Highly-oscillatory evolution equations with multiple frequencies: averaging and numerics

In [7], we are concerned with the application of the recently introduced multi-revolution composition methods, on the one hand, and two-scale methods, on the other hand, to a class of highly-oscillatory evolution equations with multiple frequencies. The main idea relies on a well-balanced reformulation of the problem as an equivalent mono-frequency equation which allows for the use of the two aforementioned techniques.

Optimality and resonances in a class of compact finite difference schemes of high order

In [25], we revisit the old problem of compact finite difference approximations of the homogeneous Dirichlet problem in dimension 1. We design a large and natural set of schemes of arbitrary high order, and we equip this set with an algebraic structure. We give some general criteria of convergence and we apply them to obtain two new results. On the one hand, we use Padé approximant theory to construct, for each given order of consistency, the most efficient schemes and we prove their convergence. On the other hand, we use diophantine approximation theory to prove that almost all of these schemes are convergent at the same rate as the consistency order, up to some logarithmic correction.