Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

José Aguilar Canepa

(Instituto Politécnico Nacional, IPN, Mexico) visited the KerData team for one month (November 2017) in order to setup a common topic of research for the future proposal of an Associate Team Kerdata-IPN.

Mukrram Rahman

(M1, University of Rennes 1) has done a 3-month internship within the team, working with Ovidiu Marcu and Alexandru Costan on HDFS extensions for dedicated stream storage.

Visits to International Teams

Research Stays Abroad
Pierre Matri

has done a 3-month internship at Argonne National Lab, to work on extreme-scale logging through application-defined storage under the supervision of Phil Carns and Rob Ross. See Section New Results for details.