Section: Dissemination


Gabriel Antoniu:
ORAP Forum, Paris:

ORAP is a French national forum intended for all stakeholders in the HPC area (industry and academia). Invited talk: Convergence of HPC and Big Data: a storage-oriented perspective in March 2017.

Available resources: Video and Slides.

Plenary Meeting of Inria's Department for International and European Relations:

Convergence of HPC and Big Data: Where Are We Going?, Inria, Rocquencourt, October 2017.

Luc Bougé:
Doctoral Program, Rennes.

Invited presentation to the PhD students about Preparing your applications after your PhD (November 2017).

Master Program, Rennes.

Invited presentation to the M2 students about Informatics as a scientific activity: Toward a responsible research (November 2017).