Section: Dissemination
M.-O. Cordier is editorial board member of Interstices webzine.
C. Largouët and L. Galárraga participated in a science diffusion talk at the educational institution "Assomption" on 20/10/2017.
L. Galárraga participated as AI specialist in a discussion forum at the general election assembly of the "Pôle Images et Reseaux" on 23/11/2017.
T. Guyet gave a public talk about Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining in MDA Rennes (FranceIA events) on 01/03/2017.
A. Termier gave a public talk about Artificial Intelligence at the Esaconnect event on 26/10/2017
A. Termier was interviewed for the December podcast of the Interstices webzine.