Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

From Medico-administrative Databases Analysis to Care Trajectories Analytics: An Example with the French SNDS

Participants : Erwan Drezen [Rennes University Hospital/REPERES] , Thomas Guyet, André Happe [Brest University Hospital/REPERES] .

Medico-administrative data like SNDS (Système National de Données de Santé) are not collected initially for epidemiological purposes. Moreover, the data model and the tools proposed to SNDS users make their in-depth exploitation difficult. We propose a data model, called the ePEPS model, based on health care trajectories to provide a medical view of raw data [4]. A data abstraction process enables the clinician to have an intuitive medical view of raw data and to design a study-specific views. This view is based on a generic model of care trajectory, i.e. a sequence of timestamped medical events for a given patient. This model is combined with tools to manipulate care trajectories efficiently.