Section: New Results
Formal study of probabilistic programs
Participants : Benjamin Grégoire, Gilles Barthe [IMDEA] , François Dupressoir [University of Surrey] , Thomas Espitau [UPMC Paris 6] , Sebastian Faust [Ruhr Universitat Bochum] , Justin Hsu [University of Pennsylvania] , Vitor Pereira [INESC TEC] , François-Xavier Standaert [Université Catholique de Louvain] .
This year, we proposed new logics to make a link between "probabilistic Relationnal Hoare Logic" and the traditionnal notion of couplings from probability theory [12]. We have also showed that coupling can be use to prove non-relationnal properties like uniformity and probabilistic independence [11].
We used Easycrypt to prove the security of Secure Function Evaluation (SFE) based on garble circuits [9].