Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Informal International Partners
In September, we organized a meeting on formal proofs for cryptography, with the following attendants: Manuel Barbosa (Portugal), Gilles Barthe (Spain), Vincent Laporte (Spain), Jose Carlos Bacelar Almeida (Portugal), Pierre-Yves Strub (France), Ko Stoffelen (the Netherlands), Benoit Viguier (the Netherlands), Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup (France).
We have frequent visits by Gilles Barthe, François Dupressoir (IMDEA, Madrid) and visits of Benjamin Grégoire at IMDEA Madrid.
Benjamin Grégoire visited University of Minho in May to work on the Jasmin compiler with Manuel Barbosa.
In our activity to setup the Coq consortium, we have frequent interaction with A. Appel (U. Princeton), B. Pierce (U. Penn), Zhong Shao (Yale University), A. Chlipala (MIT), and G. Morrissett (Cornell University).
We received Reynald Affeldt from AIST for a 10-days visit in November.