Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Doctorat: Enrico Tassi organized an advanced school on Coq and the Mathematical Components library, where Laurence Rideau, Cyril Cohen, Laurent Théry, and Yves Bertot gave lectures and supervised laboratory sessions. This school took place in December and had 12 attendants.
Doctorat: Enrico gave a course "Type Theory, The Coq proof assistant", at the University of Padova in June.
Master: Yves Bertot organized an introductory school on Coq. This school took place in January and had 12 attendants.
Licence: Sophie Bernard gave 54 hours of lectures on probabilities at University of Nice Sophia Antipolis.
Licence: Damien Rouhling taught about 60 hours at University Nice Sophia Antipolis: differential calculus, Fourier analysis, and C programming (First year students).
Licence: Boris Djalal taught 4 hours of computer science for first year students in a "classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles".
Licence: Cécile Baritel-Ruet taught 30 hours of computer science for first year students at Université de Nice, and 12 hours of lectures on computer science history.
Licence: Laurence Rideau taught 10 hours of computer science in a "classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles"
Licence: Cyril Cohen gives mathematics exercises in a "classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles".
Master: Laurent Théry taught 3 hours on "introduction to computer verified proof" at Ecole des Mines de Paris,
PhD in progress : Cécile Baritel-Ruet, "Formal verification of Security with EasyCrypt", started October 2016, supervised by Benjamin Grégoire and Yves Bertot,
PhD in progress : Sophie Bernard, "Formal proofs for transcendance", started October 2016, supervised by Yves Bertot and Laurence Rideau,
PhD in progress : Boris Djalal, "Formal verification of cylindrical algebraic decomposition", supervised by Cyril Cohen and Yves Bertot,
PhD in progress : Mohammad El Laz, "Formal study of Security", started December 2017, supervised by Benjamin Grégoire and Tamara Rezk (Indes Inria project team),
PhD in progress, : Damien Rouhling, "Formal proofs for control and robotics", started in October 2016, supervised by Yves Bertot and Cyril Cohen.