Section: Dissemination
Conference participation
Members of the project-team have delivered lectures in the following seminars, workshops and international conferences:
S. Boyaval, weekly seminar of Collège de France, Paris, December 2017,
E. Cancès, workshop on New trends in Mathematical Physics at the interface of Analysis and Probability, University College London, England, February 2017,
E. Cancès, SIAM conference on Scientific Computing, Atlanta, Georgia, February 2017,
E. Cancès, Mathematical Physics seminar, Université Paris Dauphine, March 2017,
E. Cancès, weekly seminar of the Mathematics department, University of Metz, March 2017,
E. Cancès, workshop on Wavelet and Tensor Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Berlin, May 2017,
E. Cancès, IMA workshop on Mathematical Modeling of 2D Materials, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 2017,
E. Cancès, weekly seminar of the Mathematics department, Peking University, Beijing, China, June 2017,
E. Cancès, workshop on Focus activity on quantum and kinetic problems, Beijing, China, June 2017,
E. Cancès, BIRS workshop on Mathematical and Numerical Methods for Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics from Dynamics to Quantum Information, Oaxaca, Mexico, August 2017,
E. Cancès, workshop on Advances in mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of superfluids, University of Rouen, August 2017,
E. Cancès, Colloquium lecture, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, September 2017,
E. Cancès, workshop on Multiscale Theory and Computation, Minneapolis, Minnesota, September 2017,
V. Ehrlacher, Demi-journée d'échange Labex Bézout/EADS, Marne-la-Vallée, October 2017,
V. Ehrlacher, Seminar Institut für Numerische Simulation, Bonn, Allemagne, November 2017,
V. Ehrlacher, IPAM workshop on “Uncertainty Quantification for Stochastic Systems and Applications”, Los Angeles, California, November 2017,
V. Ehrlacher, MORTECH 2017 (keynote lecture), Sevilla, Spain, November 2017,
V. Ehrlacher, Oberwolfach workshop on “Multiscale and High-Dimensional Problems“, Oberwolfach, Germany, April 2017,
V. Ehrlacher, Conference in honor of Y. Maday's 60th birthday, Roscoff, May 2017,
V. Ehrlacher, SIAM CSE conference, Atlanta, Georgia, February 2017,
G. Ferré, Young researchers' seminar, IHP semester, “Stochastic dynamics out of equilibrium”, Paris, June 2017,
G. Ferré, Large deviation theory in statistical physics, ICTS, Bengalore, September 2017,
M. Josien, Séminaire de Physique Mathématique-EDP, Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, December 2017,
C. Le Bris, Conference in honor of Yvon Maday's 60th birthday, May 2017,
C. Le Bris, Conference in honor of Patrick Joly's 60th birthday, August 2017,
C. Le Bris, Workshop HPC, Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse, September 2017,
C. Le Bris, Multiscale Modeling, Theory, and Computation, Conference in honor of Mitchell Luskin's 65th birthday, Minneapolis, September 2017,
C. Le Bris, Homogenization Theory and Applications, Weierstrass Institute Berlin, October 2017,
C. Le Bris, BIRS Workshop on “Computational Uncertainty Quantification”, Banff International Research Station (BIRS), Canada, October 2017,
C. Le Bris, Séminaire d'Automatique du plateau de Saclay, June 2017,
F. Legoll, Workshop stochastic homogenization, Bonn, February 2017,
F. Legoll, CIMPA Summer school on multiscale methods, Lucknow, India, July 2017,
F. Legoll, COMPLAS 2017 Conference, Barcelona, September 2017,
F. Legoll, IMA program on multiscale mathematics, Minneapolis, September 2017,
T. Lelièvre, workshop on Multiscale methods for stochastic dynamics, Geneva, February 2017,
T. Lelièvre, Séminaire du Laboratoire de Chimie Physique, Université Paris-Sud, March 2017,
T. Lelièvre, CECAM workshop “Exploiting finite-size effects in simulations”, UPMC, April 2017,
T. Lelièvre, CIRM workshop “interactions EDP/probabilités - équations cinétiques, temps long et propagation du chaos”, Marseille, April 2017,
T. Lelièvre, Colloquium Lorrain de Mathématiques, Université de Nancy, April 2017,
T. Lelièvre, IHP trimester on Stochastic Dynamics Out of Equilibrium, Paris, April 2017,
T. Lelièvre, CECAM workshop “Beyond Kd's: New computational methods to address challenges in drug discovery”, EPFL, Lausanne June 2017,
T. Lelièvre, Séminaire de probabilités, ENS Lyon, June 2017,
T. Lelièvre, “Multiscale Theory and Computation Conference”, University of Minneapolis, September 2017,
T. Lelièvre, “Quasistationary Distributions: Analysis and Simulation”, University of Paderborn, September 2017,
T. Lelièvre, Colloquium du laboratoire Dieudonné, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, October 2017,
T. Lelièvre, “Workshop Stochastic Sampling and Accelerated Time Dynamics on Multidimensional Surfaces”, IPAM, Los Angeles, October 2017,
T. Lelièvre, Workshop “Bridging Scales in Molecular Biology”, Mathematics & Physical Sciences conference of the Simons Foundation, New York, November 2017,
T. Lelièvre, workshop “Mathématiques pour la neutronique”, GDR MANU, Paris, November 2017,
T. Lelièvre, Mathematisches Kolloquium RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, December 2017,
A. Levitt, Young researchers working group, UPMC, January 2017,
A. Levitt, Chemistry colloquium, Cornell, New York, February 2017,
A. Levitt, SIAM CSE conference, Atlanta, Georgia, February 2017,
A. Levitt, Conference in honor of Y. Maday's 60th birthday, Roscoff, May 2017,
A. Levitt, Scalable solvers group seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, California, June 2017,
A. Levitt, Density Functional Theory and Beyond, Warwick, July 2017,
A. Levitt, Mathematical physics summer school, Zurich, July 2017,
P. Monmarché, Groupe de travail Prob., Théo. Erg. et Systèmes Dynamiques, LMRS, Rouen, January 2017,
P. Monmarché, Workshop PDMP et sampling, ENPC, Marne-la-Vallée, January 2017,
P. Monmarché, Conférence PDE/Probability Interactions: Kinetic Equations, CIRM, Marseille, April 2017,
P. Monmarché, Seminar of the Department of Statistics, University of Oxford, May 2017,
P. Monmarché, Groupe de travail de probabilités, Université Paris 5, May 2017,
P. Monmarché, Trimestre IHP dynamiques hors équilibre, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, June 2017,
B. Nectoux, Worskhop “Interactions EDP/probabilités : équations cinétiques, temps long et propagation du chaos”, CIRM, April 2017,
B. Nectoux, SciCADE, university of Bath, UK, Septembre 11-15, 2017,
B. Nectoux, Workshop “Quasi-stationary distribution: analysis and simulation”, Paderborn, September 2017,
P.-L. Rothé, SciCADE 2017 Conference, Bath, UK, September 2017,
P.-L. Rothé, USNCCM14, 14th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Montreal, Canada, July 2017,
J. Roussel, Young researchers' seminar, IHP semester “Stochastic dynamics out of equilibrium”, Paris, June 2017,
L. Silva Lopes, “Hands-on” Workshop on Enhanced Sampling and Free-Energy Calculation, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, September 2017,
G. Stoltz, seminar at Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, February 2017,
G. Stoltz, seminar at University of Massachussetts, February 2017,
S. Siraj-Dine, Density Functional Theory and Beyond, Warwick, July 2017,
P. Terrier, The MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Phoenix, April 2017,
P. Terrier, Séminaire des doctorants du LAMFA, Amiens, December 2017.
Members of the project-team have delivered the following series of lectures:
E. Cancès, The mathematics of quantum chemistry, 9h, GDR CORREL winter school, Paris, January 2017,
E. Cancès, Density Functional Theory: Models and numerical methods, 4h, Beijing, China, June 2017,
E. Cancès, Mathematical aspects of electronic structure theory, 3h, Aussois, France, June 2017,
E. Cancès, Mathematical structure of quantum mechanics, 3h, Heidelberg, Germany, October 2017,
T. Lelièvre, Lectures on “Algorithms for computational statistical physics”, 3h, ICTS, Bangalore, August 2017,
T. Lelièvre, Tutorial on “Sampling efficiently metastable dynamics: algorithms and mathematical analysis”, 2h, IPAM, Los Angeles, September 2017,
A. Levitt, Numerical analysis of periodic quantum systems, 2h, Aalborg, Denmark, June 2017,
G. Stoltz, From a microscopic description of matter to a macroscopic one on a computer: computational statistical physics, 6h, CIMPA Summer School on Multiscale Computational Methods and Error Control, IIT Kanpur, India, July 2017,
Random homogenization, theoretical and numerical aspects, 6h, CIMPA Summer School on Multiscale Computational Methods and Error Control, IIT Kanpur, India, July 2017.
Members of the project-team have presented posters in the following seminars, workshops and international conferences:
G. Ferré, Complex high-dimensional energy landscapes, UCLA, Los Angeles, October 2017,
G. Ferré, Numerical Aspects of Nonequilibrium dynamics, IHP semester “Stochastic dynamics out of equilibrium”, Paris, April 2017,
G. Ferré, Trends and Advances in Monte Carlo Sampling Algorithms, Duke University, Durham (North Carolina), December 2017,
B. Nectoux, Workshop “Dynamiques stochastiques hors d'équilibre”, CIRM, April 2017,
J. Roussel, workshop “Trends and Advances in Monte Carlo Sampling Algorithms”, SAMSI (Duke University), December 2017,
J. Roussel, Numerical Aspects of Nonequilibrium dynamics, IHP semester “Stochastic dynamics out of equilibrium”, Paris, April 2017,
L. Silva Lopes, Beyond Kd's: New computational methods to address challenges in drug discovery, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 2017,
L. Silva Lopes, CEMRACS 2017: Numerical methods for stochastic models: control, uncertainty quantification, mean-field, Marseille, July, 2017,
L. Silva Lopes, 11th Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Munich, Germany, August 2017,
L. Silva Lopes, Stochastic Sampling and Accelerated Time Dynamics on Multidimensional Surfaces, Los Angeles, California, October 2017,
Pierre Terrier has won the best poster award at SMAI 2017.
Members of the project-team have participated (without giving talks nor presenting posters) in the following seminars, workshops and international conferences:
Mouad Ramil, PDE/Probability Interactions: Kinetic Equations, Long time and Propagation of Chaos at CIRM, Marseille, April 2017
Mouad Ramil, Workshop on Quasi-Stationary distributions, Paderborn, September 2017
P.-L. Rothé, Winter School on Numerical Analysis of Multiscale Problems, Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, January 2017,
L. Silva Lopes, IPAM Long Program on “Complex High-Dimensional Energy Landscapes”, Los Angeles, California, September-November 2017.