Section: New Results
Participants : Virginie Ehrlacher, Marc Josien, Claude Le Bris, Frédéric Legoll, Adrien Lesage, Pierre-Loïk Rothé.
Deterministic non-periodic systems
In homogenization theory, members of the project-team have pursued their systematic study of perturbations of periodic problems (by local and nonlocal defects). This has been done in two different directions. For linear elliptic equations, they have first, in collaboration with X. Blanc (Paris Diderot) and P-L. Lions (Collège de France), provided a more versatile proof on local defects, and also extended their analysis to advection-diffusion equations. Second, they have also provided more details on the quality of approximation achieved by their theory. These are works in preparation with X. Blanc and M. Josien (Matherials). On the other hand, they have approached the same perturbation problem but for nonlinear equations. The specific case considered is that of viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations, and the work has been completed in collaboration with Pierre Cardaliaguet (Paris Dauphine) and Panagiotis Souganidis (University of Chicago), see [43]. To the best knowledge of the authors, this is the first time such a perturbation has been studied for this type of nonlinear equations.
Stochastic homogenization
The project-team has pursued its efforts in the field of stochastic homogenization of elliptic equations, aiming at designing numerical approaches that are practically relevant and keep the computational workload limited.
In addition, a question of interest is to describe how the oscillatory solution fluctuates around its effective behavior (which is given by the homogenized limit ). This question is investigated in the PhD thesis of P.-L. Rothé. Results have been obtained for a weakly stochastic framework (with a periodic coefficient and a small random perturbation). It has been shown that, at the first order, the fluctuations are at the scale . Furthermore when is small, the localized fluctuations (characterized by a test function ) of are Gaussian. The corresponding variance depends on the localization function and on a fourth order tensor . A numerical approach has been designed to approximate and its convergence has been proven. Numerical experiments in more general settings (full stochastic case) following the same approach have been performed. The results are promising.
Multiscale Finite Element approaches
From a numerical perspective, the Multiscale Finite Element Method (MsFEM) is a classical strategy to address the situation when the homogenized problem is not known (e.g. in difficult nonlinear cases), or when the scale of the heterogeneities, although small, is not considered to be zero (and hence the homogenized problem cannot be considered as a sufficiently accurate approximation).
The MsFEM has been introduced almost 20 years ago. However, even in simple deterministic cases, there are still some open questions, for instance concerning multiscale advection-diffusion equations. Such problems are possibly advection dominated and a stabilization procedure is therefore required. How stabilization interplays with the multiscale character of the equation is an unsolved mathematical question worth considering for numerical purposes.
During the year, the final writing of the various works performed in the context of the PhD thesis of F. Madiot has been completed. The comparison of the various MsFEM approaches has been documented in [24]. The case of an advection-diffusion equation with a dominating convection in a perforated domain is completely studied in [47]. For the latter equation, the approach based on the introduction of the invariant measure has been described, tested and studied in [48].
One of the perspectives of the team, through the thesis of A. Lesage, is the development of a multiscale finite element method for thin heterogeneous plates. The fact that one of the dimension of the domain of interest scales typically like the typical size of the heterogeneities within the material induces theoretical and practical difficulties that have to be carefully taken into account.
In the context of the PhD thesis of M. Josien, some results have been obtained regarding the modeling and numerical simulation of dislocations. Plastic properties of crystals are due to dislocations, which are thus objects of paramount importance in materials science. The geometrical shape of dislocations may be described by (possibly time-dependent) nonlinear integro-differential equations (e.g. the Weertman equation and the dynamical Peierls-Nabarro equation), involving non-local operators.
In collaboration with C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and Y.-P. Pellegrini (CEA-DAM), M. Josien has first focused on the steady state regime (the Weertman equation), and has designed a numerical method for approximating its solution. This relies on a preconditioned scheme based on a dynamical system that integrates differently the linear nonlocal terms (by means of the Fourier transform) and the nonlinear local terms. The numerical scheme is described in [21]. M. Josien has mathematically studied the Weertman equation. In particular, under physically relevant hypotheses, it has been shown in [46] that the equation is the long-term limit of a dynamical system, namely exactly that which has been used for the numerical approximation. The time-dependent regime of a dislocation involves an integrodifferential equation with memory kernel (the so-called Dynamic Peierls-Nabarro equation). M. Josien is currently working on possible numerical approaches to solve it, and is writing a code that is intended to be used in some simple physical test cases. A special effort is devoted to the memory aspect of this equation, using techniques designed by Ch. Lubich and collaborators.