Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
E. Cancès
is the director of CERMICS, the Applied Mathematics department at École des Ponts,
is a member of the editorial boards of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (2006-), SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing (2008-), Communications in Mathematical Sciences (2011-), SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (2012-), and the Journal of Computational Mathematics (2017-),
was a member of the executive committee of the CEA-EDF-Inria schools in applied mathematics and computer science (2010-July 2017),
is co-organizing the IMA Long Program on Multiscale Mathematics and Computing in Science and Engineering, 2017-2018.
V. Ehrlacher
is a member of the “Conseil d'Enseignement et de Recherche” of Ecole des Ponts,
has co-organized the Oberwolfach workshop on “Applications of Optimal Transportation in the Natural Sciences”, January 2017 (with J.-D. Benamou and D. Matthes),
has co-organized a minisymposium on “Numerical methods for electronic structure calculations” at the SIAM CSE conference, February 2017 (with B. Stamm, L. Lin and C. Yang),
has co-organized the IPAM workshop on “Uncertainty Quantification for Stochastic Systems and Applications”, November 2017 (with M. Katsoulakis, T. Lelièvre, P. Plechac, A. Stuart and D. Trinkle).
G. Ferré and J. Roussel co-organize the working group J-PSI (Jeunes chercheurs en physique statistique et interactions) at IHP, which aims at stimulating interactions between PhD students and post-docs coming from different institutions in Paris and working on the analysis of models in statistical physics.
C. Le Bris is editor-in-chief of Applied Mathematics Research Express (2003-2017). He is a managing editor of Networks and Heterogeneous Media. He is a member of the editorial boards of Annales mathématiques du Québec (2013-), Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (2004-), COCV (Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations) (2003-), Mathematics in Action (2008-), Nonlinearity (2005-) and Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (2009-).
He is a member of the editorial boards of the monograph series Mathématiques & Applications, Series, Springer (2008-), Modelling, Simulations and Applications, Series, Springer (2009-), Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Springer (2016-).
He is a member of
the “Comité d'experts” for the Fondation de Recherche pour l'Aéronautique et l'Espace,
the “International Scientific Advisory Committee” of the Centre de Recherche Mathématique, Université de Montréal,
the “Advisory Board” of the DFG Cluster of Excellence Engineering of Advanced Materials, Erlangen,
the “International Scientific Advisory Board” of the DFG research center Matheon, Berlin,
the “Conseil scientifique de la SMAI” (Scientific Council of the French Applied Maths Society),
He is the president of the strategic committee of the Institut des Sciences du calcul et des données, Sorbonne Universités.
He has held a regular position of Visiting Professor at the University of Chicago.
F. Legoll is a member of the editorial board of SIAM MMS (2012-) and of ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys (2012-).
T. Lelièvre
is editor-in-chief of ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys (with D. Chafai, C. Imbert and P. Lafitte),
is a member of the “Conseil d'Administration” of SMAI and École des Ponts,
has co-organized the Journées EDP-Probas at Institut Henri Poincaré (with F. Malrieu),
has co-organized the IPAM Long Program on “Complex High-Dimensional Energy Landscapes”, September 11th - December 15th 2017 (with C. Clementi, G. Henkelman, R. Hennig, M. Luskin, N. Marom, P. Plechac and C. Schuette),
has co-organized the ICTS program on “Large deviation theory in statistical physics: Recent advances and future challenges”, August 14th - October 13th 2017 (with A. Ayyer, F. den Hollander, A. Dhar, J.P. Garrahan, C. Jarzynski, M. Krishnapur, S. Sabhapandit and H. Touchette),
has co-organized with Florent Malrieu and Pierre-André Zitt the workshop “Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes and sampling”, January 25-27th, 2017,
has co-organized with C. Chipot and G. Stoltz the “Rencontre Math-Industrie simulation moléculaire dans l’industrie pharmaceutique”, at IHP on 28th April 2017,
has co-organized with A. Jentzen the Stochastic Computation Workshop at FoCM 2017, Barcelona, July 10th-12th, 2017.
G. Stoltz