Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees

Michel Bergman has co-organized the international conference "Interaction fluide-Structure: Analyse et controle", October 2017 (https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/event/1366/overview)


Member of the Editorial Boards

Angelo Iollo is in the advisory board of Acta Mechanica.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

Journal of Computational Physics, International Journal of CFD, Journal of Non-linear Analysis B, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Acta Mechanica, AIAA Journal, International Journal Numerical Methods in Fluids, Computers & Fluids, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids, Journal Européen de Systèmes Automatisés, Applied Mathematics and Computation. Nuclear Science and Engineering, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Computational Optimization and Applications. Applied science, Meccanica.

Invited Talks

The invited conferences are [10], [8], [13], [14], [9], [11], [15], [7].

Scientific Expertise

Angelo Iollo is reviewer for national and international programs such as H2020 (EU), ANR (France), PRIN (Italy).

2016-2017: Angelo Iollo is expert for the Italian Ministry of Research: quality evaluation of research products.

Michel Bergmann: member of the Inria Young Researchers Commission, which allocates PhD and Postdoc grants.

Afaf Bouharguane has participated to the recruitment committee for Associate Professor position in Besancon, May 2017

Angelo Iollo was expert in the Young Investigator Rita Levi Montalcini program, Italy