Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence: S. Benzekry, Analyse numérique, 24h ETD, L3, Bordeaux INP, France
Licence : A. Collin, TD EDO, 48h, niveau L3, INP Bordeaux, France.
Master : A. Collin, TP C++, 96h, niveau M1, INP Bordeaux, France.
Master : A. Collin, Cours de maillage, 36h, niveau M2, INP Bordeaux, France.
Master : A. Collin, Encadrement de projets, 30h, niveaux M1, M2, INP Bordeaux, France.
Licence : C. Poignard, Undergraduate teaching in Numerical and Applied Mathematics (L3, M1) 80heqTD: IPB, ENSAM.
HdR: S. Benzekry, Contributions in Mathematical Oncology: When Theory Meets Reality, Université de Bordeaux, 13 Novembre 2017.
PhD: Manon Deville, Mathematical Modeling of enhanced drug delivery by mean of Electroporation or Enzymatic treatment, University of Bordeaux (cotutelle with R. Natalini, Univerity of Rome Tor Vergata), 22 Novembre 2017, Clair Poignard.
PhD: Agathe Peretti, Quantification de l'hétérogénéité tumorale à partir de l’imagerie médicale. Application à la classification de tumeurs rénales, Université de Bordeaux, 20 décembre 2017, Thierry Colin, Olivier Saut.
PhD in progress: C. Nicolò, Mathematical modeling of systemic aspects of cancer and cancer therapy, 12/2016, S. Benzekry and O. Saut.
PhD in progress: T. Kritter, Primary tumors modeling with a view to the gliomas and adenocarcinomas study, Sep 2015, C. Poignard and O. Saut
PhD in progress: S. Corridore, Mathematical Model for Electroporation, A. Collin, C. Poignard.
PhD in progress: C. Perier, 2016-2019, B. Denis de Senneville and O. Saut, Combining texture analysis and modeling for evaluation therapies and clinical outcome.
PhD in progress: A. Crombé, 2017-2020, O. Saut, Beyond radiomics for soft-tissue sarcoma.
PhD in progress: C. Vaghi, Improving intra-tumor drug distribution of anti-cancer nanoparticles by data-informed mathematical modeling (beginning November 1rst 2017), S. Benzekry, R. Fanciullino and C. Poignard.
Sébastien Benzekry: Committee member of the PhD thesis of K. El Alaoui Lasmaili, Université de Lorraine (mention Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé), 4 Avril 2017.
Clair Poignard: reviewer of the PhD thesis of A. Barlukova (Université Aix-Marseille),
Clair Poignard: reviewer of the PhD thesis of K. Van Nguyen (Ecole Polytechnique X)
Clair Poignard: Committee member of the PhD thesis of T. Wintz: Super-resolution in wave imaging. (ENS Paris)
Clair Poignard: Committee member of the PhD thesis of Z. Wenlong: Forward and Inverse Problems Under Uncertainty (ENS Paris).
Olivier Saut: reviewer of the PhD thesis of Guila Fabrini. (Paris VI - Univ. Genova, Italy).
Olivier Saut: reviewer of the PhD thesis of Clément Chesseboeuf. (Univ. Poitiers).