Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Plan Cancer
Plan Cancer NUMEP: 2016–2019. Numerics for Clinical Electroporation Funding: 460 kE Partners: Inria Team MONC, Institut de Pharmacologie de Toulouse, CHU J. Verdier de Bondy Duration: Octobre 2016—Septembre 2019 Project leader: C. Poignard Co-PI: M-P. Rols (IPBS), O. Séror (CHU J. Verdier)
Plan Cancer DYNAMO: 2015–2018. Dynamical Models for Tissue Electroporation Funding: 370 kE Partners: Laboratoire Ampère, Lab. Vectorology and Anticancerous Therapies (IGR), Inria Team MONC Duration: Octobre 2015—Septembre 2018 Project leader: R. Scorretti (Laboratoire Ampère) Co-PI: L.M. Mir (IGR), C. Poignard (Inria Team MONC)
Project acronym - Moglimaging: Modeling of Glioblastoma treatment-induced resistance and heterogeneity by multi-modal imaging.
Coordinator - E. Cohen-Jonathan Moyal, Institut Universitaire du Cancer Toulouse / Local coordinator - O. Saut.
Team participants - S. Benzekry, A. Collin, C. Poignard, O. Saut.
Project acronym - Plan Cancer MIMOSA (Physique, Mathématiques et Sciences de l'ingénieur appliqués au Cancer)
Title - Mathematical modeling for exploration of the impact of mechanical constraints on tumor growth
Systems Biology of Renal Carcinoma using a Mouse RCC model
Transnation call: INCA/ARC
Title: Minimally and non-invasive methods for early detection and/or progression of cancer
Team participants: A. Collin, C. Poignard, O. Saut (local PI)
Competitivity Clusters
Labex TRAIL ( MOD Project Consolidation. 1 2-years post-doc position (100k€), led by A. Collin, 1 PhD funding (100k€) led by O. Saut.