Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

Dr. Walter Musakwa from Univ. of Johannesburg ( South Africa) visited the team in August 2017 for working with A. Kibangou on analysis on cycling data collected in Johannesburg and setting up a MoA between UGA and UJ.

Prof. Olga Quintero Montoya, from Universidad EAFIT (Colombia) visited teh team from May 2017 until June 2017 to work with C. Canudas de Wit on traffic flow problems.

Pr. Marcello L.R. de Campos (Federal Univ. of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) visited the team in October 2017 in the framework of the TICO-MED project.

Dr. Paola Goatin (Inria Sophia Antipolis) visited the team in September to work with M. L. Delle Monache on traffic flow modeling and control using conservation laws.

F. Acciani (U. Twente, Netherlands) visited the team in November 2017 to work with P. Frasca.

W. S. Rossi (U. Twente, Netherlands) visited the team in November 2017 to work with P. Frasca.

Professor Per-Olof Gutman visited the on February 9th and 10th 2017. he gave two talks on “Modelling of and Controller Design for a Virtual Skydiver” and “Dynamic model for estimating the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram” to the NeCS team. He exchanged ideas with Carlos Canudas de Wit, Paolo Frasca and Giacomo Casadei.

Professor Ioannis Paschalidis visited the team on September 2017. He gave a talk "Inverse Equilibrium Problems and Price-of-Anarchy Estimation in Transportation Networks". He exchanged ideas with Carlos Canudas De Wit, Paolo Frasca and Stephane Mollier.

Research Stays Abroad

A. Kibangou visited the University of Johanesburg (UJ) in March and October 2017. During his stay, he gave lectures to students of Department of Town and Regional Planning of UJ on Mobility and traffic management.

A. Kibangou visited University of Cape Town (UCT) in October 2017. During his stay, he gave a lecture to students and researchers of Control department of UCT.

Federica Garin spent three weeks in Lund, Sweden, in June, for the LCCC Focus Period on Large-Scale and Distributed Optimization (http://www.lccc.lth.se/index.php?page=june-2017-optimization)

Paolo Frasca visited the University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy in April–May 2017.

M. L. Delle Monache visited Rutgers University (USA) in June 2017. During her stay they worked on control of traffic with conservation laws.