Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
C. Castelluccia: Co-chair of the DTL Grant program (, Co-chair of the Workshop on "Intelligence Oversight”, (Nov., Montbonnot).
D. Le Metayer: APVP 2017 (Jun., Autrans), panel on "Algorithms: too intelligent to be intelligeable ?" at CPDP 2017 (Jan., Brussels).
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
C. Castelluccia: DTL Grant program, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (Privacy by Design in Practice track).
D. Le Métayer: CSF 2017, IWPE 2017, APF 2017, CPDP 2017, Conference "Converging trends between law and digital technologies".
Invited Talks
D. Le Métayer on Intelligence and the scientific community, organized by the French Intelligence Academy in partnership with the Academy of Technologies, (Paris, Jun. 2017).
D. Le Métayer on Personal data protection, organized by ANVIE (Association nationale de valorisation interdisciplinaire de la recherche en sciences humaines et sociales auprès des entreprises), (Paris, May 2017).
D. Le Métayer on The ethics of algorithms, organized by FFA (Fédération Française des Assurance), (Paris, Jul. 2017).
D. Le Métayer on Algorithmes prédictifs: Quels enjeux éthiques et juridiques?, organized by CREOGN (Centre de recherche de l'École des officiers de la gendarmerie nationale), (Paris, Oct. 2017).
D. Le Métayer on Capacity: an abstract model of control over personal data invited talk at Chalmers University, (Göteborg, Nov. 2017).
Claude Castelluccia on Promoting Peace on the Internet, organized by Unesco (Paris, Apr. 2017).
Claude Castelluccia Oxford Internet Institute, (Oxford, Jul. 2017).
Leadership within the Scientific Community
C. Castelluccia: member of the scientific committee of the CNIL-Inria Privacy Award, co-creator and board member of the Amnesys (Alpine Multidisciplinary NEtwork on CYber-security Studies) group (, co-leader of the WP5 of the Data Institute of UGA (
D. Le Métayer: member of the scientific committee of the CNIL-Inria Privacy Award, member of the editorial committee of the Transalgo Inria platform.
V. Roca: co-chair of the research group NWCRG (Network Coding Research Group) of IRTF (Internet Research Task Force).