Section: New Results
The Pitfalls of Hashing for Privacy
Participants : Cédric Lauradoux, Mathieu Cunche, Levent Demir.
Boosted by recent legislations, data anonymization is fast becoming a norm. However, as of yet no generic solution has been found to safely release data. As a consequence, data custodians often resort to ad-hoc means to anonymize datasets. Both past and current practices indicate that hashing is often believed to be an effective way to anonymize data. Unfortunately, in practice it is only rarely effective. In [2], we expose the limits of cryptographic hash functions as an anonymization technique. Anonymity set is the best privacy model that can be achieved by hash functions. However, this model has several shortcomings. We provide three case studies to illustrate how hashing only yields a weakly anonymized data. The case studies include MAC and email address anonymization as well as the analysis of Google Safe Browsing.