Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • Nicolas Broutin is member of the steering committee of the international meeting on analysis of algorithms (AofA).

  • Philippe Robert is Associate Editor of the Book Series “Mathématiques et Applications” edited by Springer Verlag and Associate Editor of the journal “Queueing Systems, Theory and Applications”.

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • Philippe Robert has been in the TPC of Performance'2017, Caching and Delivery in Wireless Networks Workshop (CCDWN)'2017 and Stochastic Networks'2018.


  • Nicolas Broutin has given lectures at the probability seminar in Marseille on Jan 9, the probability seminar in Nice on March 21, and the annual days of the ANR project GRAAL on May 10.

  • Christine Fricker has given a talk “Analysis of large scale closed networks with reservation” at the 2017 INFORMS 19th Applied Probability Conference, Northwestern University, USA on 10-12 July, 2017. Christine Frickergave a talk at the day “Filles et math: une équation lumineuse” for 100 high school girls organised by Animath and Femmes et maths (19/12/2017).

  • Wen Sun has given a talk “A Large Scale Network with Moving Servers” on 5-9 June 2017 at the Sigmetrics workshop MAMA in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA and a talk “An asymptotic study of allocation policies in a large balls and bins model” at the 2017 INFORMS 19th Applied Probability Conference, Northwestern University, USA on 10-12 July, 2017.

  • Guilherme Thompson has given a talk “Studying an offloading policy for multi-resource Cloud services under Kelly's Regime” at the 2017 INFORMS 19th Applied Probability Conference, Northwestern University, USA on 10-12 July, 2017. Philippe Robert has given a talk “Asymptotics of Stochastic Protein Assembly Models” at the PDMP workshop in Seillac, France, June 2017. He has given a talk “Analysis of a Stochastic Model of Replication in Large Distributed Storage Systems: A Mean-Field Approach” at the ACM Sigmetrics conference, Urbana-Champaign, USA on 5-9 June 2017, and also a talk “A Large Scale Analysis of Unreliable Stochastic Networks” at the 2017 INFORMS 19th Applied Probability Conference, Northwestern University, USA on 10-12 July, 2017. He has given a talk “Stochastic Models of Gene Expression” at the SBF-Kolloquium, Institut für Mathematik, Universität Potsdam, October 2017. He gave a seminar “Asymptotic Studies of Large Distributed systems with Failures” at Inria Rhône-Alpes (Polaris team).

Scientific Expertise

  • Christine Fricker is member of the jury of agrégation