Section: New Results
Calculus of variations applied to Image processing, physics and biology
In [23], Benoît Merlet et al. consider the branched transportation problem in dimension two with a cost of transport per unit length of path of the form where is fixed and is the flux along the path. As usual in branched transportation, an admissible transport is represented as a vector measure with prescribed divergence (the representing the sources and the the sinks). The paper introduces a family of functionals and the authors establish that this family of functionals approximate the branched transportation energy in the sense of -convergence. The energy is modeled on the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional and is easy to optimize in practice (using dual formulation for the constraints and alternate direction optimization). In [48], the same authors extend their previous work to functionals defined on -currents: the objects are no more lines that transport masses but -dimensional surfaces transporting a given quantity of -dimensional objects. The ambient space is now of any dimension . A new family of approximate energies is introduced and a -convergence analysis is performed in the limit . The limit objects are now -currents with prescribed boundary, the limit functional controls both their masses (the total flux) and sizes (-dimensional volume of the object). In the limit , the limit energy is the -volume of the object so that these energies can be used for the numerical optimization of the size of -currents with prescribed boundary. Although rather theoretical, the works [23], [48] are motivated by an image reconstruction issue: how to recover the contours of partially masked objects in an image.
In [26], Michael Goldman and Benoît Merlet study the strong segregation limit for mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates modelled by a Gross-Pitaievskii functional. They study the behavior of minimizers of the Hamiltonian. First, they show that in the presence of a trapping potential, for different intracomponent strengths, the Thomas-Fermi limit is sufficient to determine the shape of the minimizers. Then they study the case of asymptotically equal intracomponent strengths: at leading order the two phases are then undistinguishable, the authors extract the next order and show that the relevant limit optimization problem is a weighted isoperimetric problem. Then, they study the minimizers, proving radial symmetry or symmetry breaking for different values of the parameters. Eventually, they show that in the absence of a confining potential, even for non-equal intracomponent strengths, one needs to study a related isoperimetric problem to gain information about the shape of the minimizers.
In [49], Michael Goldman, Benoît Merlet and Vincent Millot study a variational problem which models the behavior of topological singularities on the surface of a biological membrane in -phase (see [92]). The problem combines features of the Ginzburg-Landau model in 2D and of the Mumford-Shah functional. As in the classical Ginzburg-Landau theory, a prescribed number of point vortices appear in the moderate energy regime; the model allows for discontinuities, and the energy penalizes their length. The novel phenomenon here is that the vortices have a fractional degree with prescribed. Those vortices must be connected by line discontinuities to form clusters of total integer degrees. The vortices and line discontinuities are therefore coupled through a topological constraint. As in the Ginzburg-Landau model, the energy is parameterized by a small length scale . The authors perform a complete -convergence analysis of the model as in the moderate energy regime. Then, they study the structure of minimizers of the limit problem. In particular, the line discontinuities of a minimizer solve a variant of the Steiner problem.