Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


ANR Project “iFLOW”

Participants : Chloé Audebert, Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau, Florian Joly, Irene Vignon Clementel [co-Principal Investigator] .

Period: 2013-2017.

This ANR-TecSan, co-managed by Eric Vibert (Paul Brousse Hospital) and Irene Vignon Clementel, aims at developing an Intraoperative Fluorescent Liver Optimization Workflow to better understand the relationship between architecture, perfusion and function in hepatectomy.

Other partners: DHU Hepatinov - Hôpital Paul Brousse, Inria Mamba, Fluoptics, IfADo, MID.


Participants : Muriel Boulakia, Céline Grandmont [local coordinator] .

Period: 2015-2019.

The objective of this project, coordinated by Takéo Takahashi (Inria Nancy Grand-Est), is the mathematical analysis of systems involving structures immersed in a fluid. This includes the asymptotic analysis, the study of the controllability and stabilization of fluid-structure interaction systems, the understanding of the motion of self-propelled structures and the analysis and development of numerical methods to simulate fluid-structure systems.

Participation to other ANR projects
  • Laurent Boudin is a member of the ANR Blanc project Kibord on kinetic models in biology and related domains

  • Laurent Boudin is a member of the ANR TecSan Oxhelease

  • Céline Grandmont is a member of the ANR TecSan Oxhelease

  • Marina Vidrascu is a member of the ANR ARAMIS

  • Irene Vignon Clementel is a member of the project iLite (09/16-), RHU-santé grant, a large French hospital-medical research consortium that aims at developing innovations for liver and tissue engineering (Inria PI: Dirk Drasdo).

Inria initiatives


Participants : Miguel Ángel Fernández Varela [Principal Investigator] , Axel Fourmont, Marina Vidrascu.

Period: 2016-2017

The aim of this project, coordinated by Miguel Ángel Fernández Varela, is to implement in the FELiScE library several balancing domain decomposition methods (BDD) for solid-mechanics.