Section: Dissemination
RITS team: press article on the research axes of Inria RITS team entitled "RITS Team at Inria", with participation of Fawzi Nashashibi, Anne Verroust-Blondet, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes and Raoul de Charette. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, Vol 9, Issue 2. April 19th. (
Raoul de Charette: participation to the Hackathon round-table in collaboration with approximately 10 journalists and a handful of Inria researchers. Exchange on the implementation of future autonomous transportation in cities. It lead to several press article. June 7th, Paris.
Raoul de Charette: public conference "Voiture Autonomes: Où en est-on ?" at Futur en Seine, Paris, June 8th.
Raoul de Charette: exchange on upcoming challenges for autonomous driving for the web article "Véhicules Autonomes : Où En Est-On en France ?", journalist Mathilde Ragot. T.O.M. June 14th. (
Raoul de Charette: exchange on upcoming challenges for autonomous driving for the web article "Véhicules autonomes : où en est-on réellement ?", journalist Benoit Fleuret. Microsoft RSLN. June 22th. (
Raoul de Charette: interview on current progress of autonomous driving and real upcoming challenges for the web article "Pourquoi la voiture 100 % autonome n'est pas près de rouler", journalist Reynald Fléchaux. Silicon. June 26th. (
Raoul de Charette: interview on the progress of computer vision and danger of artificial intelligence for the press article "Robots tueurs soudés pour déssouder", journalist Erwan Cario. Libération. August 24th. (
Gérard Le Lann: Interview published in Journal of Internet Histories, vol. 1, issue 1-2, pp. 188-196, (
Gérard Le Lann: interview for Inria's 50 years "Networks, distributed algorithms and critical cyber-physical systems", (]).
Fawzi Nashashibi: participation to the round-table on "L'Intelligence Artificielle pour le transport autonome" during the workshop "Journée de l'IA / Evenement Public FranceIA" organized by SystemX at Nano-INNOV (Palaiseau), March 3rd.
Fawzi Nashashibi: participation to the round-table on "Transports et mobilité" during the workshop "Les Mystères du XXIème siècle" (, November 25th.
Fawzi Nashashibi: participation to the round-table on "les questions éthiques et juridiques en robotique" during the workshop on "Ethique de la recherche en numérique", organized by the CERNA, Paris (Institut Mines-Télécom), June 15th.
Fawzi Nashashibi: interview for "L'Esprit Sorcier" number 29 on "La voiture autonome", journalist: Melvin Martineau (
Fawzi Nashashibi: interviewed by Tiffany Blandin for the book Un Monde sans travail ?, Paris: Seuil, 24 August 2017, (Chapter 7: la recherche sur les voitures autonomes).
Fawzi Nashashibi: interviewed by Coralie Baumard for the article "L'Intelligence Artificielle, Nouveau Moteur De l'Industrie Automobile", FORBES France, February 11th. (
Fawzi Nashashibi: interviewed by Jérôme Bonaldi (Science & Vie TV) for "Le Mag de la Science" on September 2017 (to be broadcasted in 2018).