Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
Marie Durand, Guillaume Joslin and Chiara Puglisi organized the fourth edition of the MUMPS User days in Montbonnot on June 1 and 2, 2017, see
Scientific Events Selection
Steering committees
Yves Robert is a member of the steering committee of Euro-EduPar, HCW, Heteropar and IPDPS.
Bora Uçar serves in the steering committee of CSC.
Chair of Conference Program Committees
Anne Benoit is the technical program chair of ICPP 2017, the technical papers co-chair of SC 2017, and the technical program chair of IPDPS 2018.
Bora Uçar was the IPDPS 2017 Workshops Chair, IC3 2017 Algorithms track vice-chair. He is the general chair of IPDPS 2018.
Yves Roibert serves as the Liaison between the steering committee and the program committee of IPDPS.
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Matthieu Moy was a member of the program committee of the DUHDE and COMPASS workshops.
Laure Gonnord was a member of the program committee of the VMCAI conference and NSAD workshop.
Christophe Alias was a member of the program committee of the IMPACT and HIP3ES workshops.
Loris Marchal was/is a member of the program committee of the SC 2017, IPDPS 2017 and IPDPS 2018 conferences.
Bora Uçar was a member of the program committee of IA, ICCS 2017, Euro-Par 2017, ScalCom 2017, PMA, HiPC 2017, PPAM 2017, HPC4BD 2017.
Yves Robert was a member of the program committee of FTS, FTXS, ICCS, and ISCIS
Frédéric Vivien was a member of the program committee of EduPar 17, IPDPS 2017 and 2018, PDP 2017, SBAC-PAD 2017, and SC 2017.
Member of the Editorial Boards
Anne Benoit is Associate Editor for JPDC (Elsevier Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing) and TPDS (IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems).
Yves Robert is Associate Editor for ACM TOPC (ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing), JPDC (Elsevier Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing), IJHPCA (Sage International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications), and JOCS (Elsevier Journal of Computational Science).
Bora Uçar is a member of the editorial board of Parallel Computing.
Frédéric Vivien is Associate Editor of Parallel Computing (Elsevier) and of JPDC (Elsevier Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing).
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Matthieu Moy was reviewer for MICPRO 2017 (2 papers) and TCAD 2017.
Christophe Alias was reviewer for ACM TACO and Proceedings of the IEEE.
Bora Uçar reviewed papers for SIAM SISC (5x), SIMAX (1x), IEEE TPDS (1x), Parallel Computing (2ex), Journal of Computational Science (1x).
Invited Talks
Matthieu Moy gave an invited talk at “Journées nationales du GDR GPL”, Montpellier, 13 - 16 June 2017.
Laure Gonnord gave invited talks to University of Nice and University of Evry (spring 2017) and to University of Reunion (dec 2017).
Christophe Alias gave invited talks to “Journées Compilation” (june 2017) and “Journée Calcul” (nov 2017).
Yves Robert gave an invited talk at the FTS'17 workshop, Honolulu (September 2017).
Yves Robert gave a tutorial on Fault-tolerance techniques for HPC platforms at SC'17 (with Aurélien Bouteiller, George Bosilca, and Thomas Hérault).
Research Administration
Jean-Yves L'Excellent was a member of the direction board of the LIP laboratory until August 2017.
Yves Robert was a committee member of the IEEE Fellows selection. He is a member of the scientific council of the Maison de la Simulation.
Frédéric Vivien is the vide-head of the LIP laboratory since September 2017. He is a member of the scientific council of the École normale supérieure de Lyon and of the academic council of the University of Lyon.