Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
EuroS&P 2017: April 26-28, 2015, Paris (France): G. Leurent (poster chair);
TQC 2017 (Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography): June 20-22, 2017, Paris (France): A. Chailloux, A. Leverrier.
Dagstuhl Seminar 17401, "Quantum Cryptanalysis": October 1-6, 2017, Dagstuhl (Germany): N. Sendrier (co-organizer)
Training School on Symmetric Cryptography and Blockchain: February 19-23, 2018, Torremolinos (Spain): A. Canteaut (co-organizer).
Scientific Events Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
As a co-editor-in-chief of the journal IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, María Naya-Plasencia serves as a program chair of the conference Fast Software Encryption (FSE), hold in Tokyo March 2017, and to be held in Bruges March 2018.
Member of the Conference Program Committees
QIP 2017: January 16-20 2017, Seattle, USA (A. Chailloux, A. Leverrier);
CT-RSA 2017: February 14-17, 2017, San Francisco, US (M. Naya-Plasencia);
FSE 2017: March 5-8, 2017, Tokyo, Japan (A. Canteaut, G. Leurent, M. Naya-Plasencia);
CryptoAction Symposium 2017: March 27-28, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (A. Canteaut);
Financial Crypto 2017: April 3-7, 2017, Sliema, Malta (G. Leurent);
Journées Codage et Cryptographie - C2 2017: April 23-28, La Bresse, France (G. Leurent);
Eurocrypt 2017: 30 April- 4 May, 2017, Paris, France (M. Naya-Plasencia);
CEWQO 2017: June 26-30 2017, Lyngby, Denmark (A. Leverrier);
PQCrypto 2017: 26-28 June, 2017, Utrecht, the Netherlands (M. Naya-Plasencia, N. Sendrier, J.P. Tillich)
SAC 2017: August 16-18, 2017, Ottawa, Canada (G. Leurent, M. Naya-Plasencia);
Crypto 2017: August 20-24, 2017, Santa Barbara, CA, USA (G. Leurent);
QCrypt 2017: 2017, September 18-22 2017, Cambridge, UK (A. Leverrier);
WCC 2017: September 18-22, Saint-Petersburg, Russia (P. Charpin, J.-P. Tillich);
FSE 2018: March 5-7, 2018, Bruges, Belgium (C. Boura, A. Canteaut, G. Leurent, M. Naya-Plasencia, L. Perrin);
CryptoAction Symposium 2018: April 4-5, Sutomore, Montenegro (A. Canteaut);
PQCrypto 2018: April 9-11, 2018, Fort Lauderdale, USA, (N. Sendrier, J.P. Tillich);
Member of the Editorial Boards
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, associate editor: P. Charpin.
Finite Fields and Applications, associate editors: A. Canteaut, P. Charpin.
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, associate editor: A. Canteaut.
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, associate editors: C. Boura, A. Canteaut, G. Leurent, L. Perrin, co-editor-in-chief: M. Naya-Plasencia.
Annals of telecommunications, associate editor: J.P. Tillich.
Advances in Mathematics for Communications, associated editor : J.P. Tillich
Editor for books or special issues
Special Issue on Coding and Cryptography, Designs, Codes and Cryptography : P. Charpin, T. Johansson, G. Kyureghyan, N. Sendrier and J.-P. Tillich, Eds., Volume 82, Issue 1-2, January 2017
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Invited Talks
A. Leverrier, Security of continuous-variable quantum key distribution via a Gaussian de Finetti reduction, Trustworthy Quantum Information TyQi 2017, Paris, France, 19-21 June 2017.
A. Leverrier, Challenges in continuous-variable quantum cryptography, QCRYPT 2017, Cambridge, UK, 18-22 September 2017.
N. Sendrier, Quantum Safe Cryptography from Codes: Present and Future, 16th IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding, Oxford, UK, December 13, 2017.
The members of the project-team have also been invited to give talks to some workshops or international seminars, including:
A. Canteaut, Proving Resistance against Invariant Attacks: Properties of the Linear Layer , Early Symmetric Crypto - ESC 2017, Canach, Luxembourg, January 2017
A. Canteaut, Proving resistance of a block cipher against invariant attacks, BFA 2017 - Boolean Functions and their Applications, Os, Norway, July 2017.
A. Chailloux, A tight security reduction in the quantum random oracle model for code-based signature schemes, IRIF Algocomp seminar, Paris, France, November 2017
G. Leurent, On the Practical (In-)Security of 64-bit Block Ciphers, Early Symmetric Crypto - ESC 2017, Canach, Luxembourg, January 2017
G. Leurent, Breaking Symmetric Cryptosystems Using Quantum Algorithms, Frontiers of Quantum Safe Cryptography - FOQUS, April 2017, Paris, France.
G. Leurent, Bad Symmetric Crypto in the Real World, Journées Nationales 2017 Pré-GDR Sécurité Informatique, Paris, France, May 2017.
A. Leverrier, A Gaussian de Finetti theorem and application to truncations of random Haar matrices, Workshop on "Probabilistic techniques and Quantum Information Theory", IHP, Paris, France, 23-27 October 2017.
A. Leverrier, Efficient decoding of random errors for quantum expander codes, Conference on "Quantum Information Theory", IHP, Paris, France, 11-15 December 2017.
M. Naya-Plasencia, New Results on Quantum Symmetric Cryptanalysis Dagstuhl seminar "Quantum Cryptanalysis", Dagstuhl, Germany, October 2017.
N. Sendrier,Code-based Cryptography, PQCRYPTO Summer School on Post-Quantum Cryptography 2017, TU Eindhoven, June 2017. 5 hours.
N. Sendrier,Code-based Cryptography, Executive School on Post-Quantum Cryptography 2017, TU Eindhoven, June 2017. 1 1/2 hours.
J.P. Tillich Décodage de codes LDPC quantiques, Journées C2 La Bresse, April 27, 2017.
J.P. Tillich Code based cryptography and quantum attacks, Dagstuhl seminar "Quantum Cryptanalysis", Dagstuhl, Germany, October 2017.
J.P. Tillich Recent advances in decoding quantum LDPC codes, Recent advances in Quantum Computing, CEA Saclay, December 13, 2017.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
A. Canteaut serves as a chair of the steering committee of Fast Software Encryption (FSE).
A. Canteaut serves on the steering committee of the international competition CAESAR for authenticated encryption (
N. Sendrier serves on the steering committee of Post-quantum cryptography (PQCrypto).
N. Sendrier serves on the steering committee of the WCC conference series.
N. Sendrier is a member of the “Comité de pilotage” of the ANR (défi 9).
A. Leverrier serves on the steering committee of DIM SIRTEQ (réseau francilien pour les technologies quantiques).
Research Administration
A. Canteaut serves as Head of Science of the Inria Paris research center since September 2017. She was deputy Head of Science from January to August 2017.
A. Canteaut serves on the Evaluation Committee since September 2017.
A. Canteaut was a member of the steering committee of the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris until June 2017.
M. Naya-Plasencia is a member of Inria Paris CES Committee (Comité de suivi doctoral).
M. Naya-Plasencia is a member of Inria Paris Scientific Hiring Committee (Assignement of PhD, post-doctoral and delegation Inria fundings).
M. Naya-Plasencia serves on the jury for PhD scholarships from EDITE.
M. Naya-Plasencia serves on the Comité des usagers du projet "rue Barrault".