Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Conference Program Committees
C. Guillemot has been a member of the VISAPP 2017 international program committee.
C. Guillemot has been a member of the international program committee of the CVPR 2017 workshop on light fields for computer vision.
O. Le Meur has been a member of technical program committees of international conferences: QoMEX 2017, Mutual Benefits of Cognitive and Computer Vision (MBCC) 2017 workshop in conjunction with ICCV 2017, IPTA 2017, ICMR 2017.
A. Roumy has been a member of the technical program committee of the CVPR 2017 workshop on New Trends in Image Restoration and Enhancement.
A. Roumy has been a member of the technical program committee of the (Groupement de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et des Images) GRETSI 2017 workshop.
Member of the Editorial Boards
C. Guillemot is senior area editor of the IEEE Trans. on Image Processing.
C. Guillemot is associate editor of the International Journal on Mathematical Imaging and Vision.
O. Le Meur is member of the editorial board of the IET Image Processing Journal
A. Roumy is associate editor of the Springer Annals of Telecommunications.
Invited Talks
C. Guillemot gave a seminar at IST-Lisboa on Light field image processing (10th May 2017).
C. Guillemot gave an invited talk in the context of the IEEE distinguished lecturer program, at UPM Madrid on Light field image processing (29th June 2017).
C. Guillemot gave an invited talk in the context of the IEEE distinguished lecturer program University Autonoma de Barcelona on Light field image processing (30th June 2017).
C. Guillemot gave an invited talk in the context of the IEEE distinguished lecturer program on "Light field image processing: analysis, representation, compression and editing", at the VISVA 2017 summer school, Singapore (8th July 2017).
C. Guillemot gave a Keynote (“Towards dense multi-view imaging”) at the Hot3D workshop jointly held with IEEE-ICME, Hong Kong, 10 July 2017.
C. Guilemot gave a seminar at MidSweden University in light field image processing (15th Nov. 2017).
O. Le Meur gave an invited talk at the AFIG (Association Française d'informatique Graphique). The title of the presentation was: "un nouveau regard sur l'attention visuelle".
O. Le Meur gave an invited talk at the NEUROSTIC workshop (GDR-ISI). The title of the presentation was: "Modèles de saillance visuelle et mouvements oculaires. Un nouveau départ?".
O. Le Meur was a captsone speaker at EuroRV3 workshop. The title of the presentation was: "The computational modelling of visual attention : saliency model vs saccadic model"
O. Le Meur gave an invited talk at ENSTA. The title of the presentation was: "Saccadic model, a promising framework for modelling overt visual attention".
T. Maugey gave an invited talk at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) on “Massive Random Access », May 2017.
T. Maugey gave an invited talk at the scientific day of the L2TI (University Paris XIII), December 2017.
A. Roumy gave an introductory talk on Interactive video compression at the Comité des projets, Rennes, May 2017.
A. Roumy gave a talk on Challenges in data compression for the IoT, at the IoTsustain Workshop, UCL, London, July 2017.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
C. Guillemot is member of the IEEE IVMSP technical committee
C. Guillemot is senior member of the steering committee of IEEE Trans. on Multimedia (2016-2018).
C. Guillemot has been appointed member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Nominations and Appointments Committee for a two year term (2018-2019).
A. Roumy is a member of the Executive board of the National Research group in Image and Signal Processing (GRETSI).
Scientific Expertise
Research Administration
C. Guillemot is member of the “bureau du Comité des Projets”.
A. Roumy served as a member of Board of Examiners (Comité de sélection) for an Associate Professor position (Maitre de Conférences) at ENSSAT-IRISA, Lannion (61MCF1758).
A. Roumy served as a member of Board of Examiners (Comité de sélection) for an Associate Professor position (Maitre de Conférences) in Digital Communication at CentraleSupelec, Rennes.
A. Roumy served as a jury member for the selection of Inria CR (researcher) candidates, March and May 2017, Inria, Rennes, France
A. Roumy is a member of the technological development and technology transfer committee at Inria Rennes
A. Roumy was a member of Inria's PhD grant committee (CORDI-S).