Section: New Software and Platforms
Saccadic model of visual attention
Keywords: Visual saliency maps - Visual scanpath
Functional Description: Saliency models compute a saliency map from an input image. Saliency maps are a 2D map encoding the ability of every location to attract our gaze. There exist many models in the literature and tremendous progresses have been made. However, they remain quite limited when applied to natural scene exploration. Indeed, the vast majority of these models ignore fundamental properties of our visual system. The most important one is that they overlook the sequential and time-varying aspects of overt attention. Saccadic models aim to predict the visual scanpath itself, i.e. the series of fixations and saccades an observer would perform to sample the visual environment. We propose a new and efficient method to simulate the visual scanpath. It provides scanpaths in close agreement with human behavior and the model can be tailored to simulate scanpaths in specific conditions and for various observer profiles.