Section: Research Program
Language-Based Fault Tolerance
Tolerating faults is a clear and present necessity in networked embedded systems. At the hardware level, modern multicore architectures are manufactured using inherently unreliable technologies [37], [47]. The evolution of embedded systems towards increasingly distributed architectures highlighted in the introductory section means that dealing with partial failures, as in Web-based distributed systems, becomes an important issue. While fault-tolerance is an old and much researched topic, several important questions remain open: automation of fault-tolerance provision, composable abstractions for fault-tolerance, fault diagnosis, and fault isolation.
The first question is related to the old question of “system structure for fault-tolerance” as originally discussed by Randell for software fault tolerance [68], and concerns in part our ability to clearly separate fault-tolerance aspects from the design and programming of purely “functional” aspects of an application. The classical arguments in favor of a clear separation of fault-tolerance concerns from application code revolve around reduced code and maintenance complexity [42]. The second question concerns the definition of appropriate abstractions for the modular construction of fault-tolerant embedded systems. The current set of techniques available for building such systems spans a wide range, including exception handling facilities, transaction management schemes, rollback/recovery schemes, and replication protocols. Unfortunately, these different techniques do not necessarily compose well – for instance, combining exception handling and transactions is non trivial, witness the flurry of recent work on the topic, see e.g., [55] and the references therein –, they have no common semantical basis, and they suffer from limited programming language support. The third question concerns the identification of causes for faulty behavior in component-based assemblages. It is directly related to the much researched area of fault diagnosis, fault detection and isolation [57].
We intend to address these questions by leveraging programming language techniques (programming constructs, formal semantics, static analyses, program transformations) with the goal to achieve provable fault-tolerance, i.e., the construction of systems whose fault-tolerance can be formally ensured using verification tools and proof assistants. We aim in this axis to address some of the issues raised by the above open questions by using aspect-oriented programming techniques and program transformations to automate the inclusion of fault-tolerance in systems (software as well as hardware), by exploiting reversible programming models to investigate composable recovery abstractions, and by leveraging causality analyses to study fault-ascription in component-based systems. Compared to the huge literature on fault-tolerance in general, in particular in the systems area (see e.g., [49] for an interesting but not so recent survey), we find by comparison much less work exploiting formal language techniques and tools to achieve or support fault-tolerance. The works reported in [36], [39], [40], [44], [58], [67], [73] provide a representative sample of recent such works.
A common theme in this axis is the use and exploitation of causality information. Causality, i.e., the logical dependence of an effect on a cause, has long been studied in disciplines such as philosophy [63], natural sciences, law [64], and statistics [65], but it has only recently emerged as an important focus of research in computer science. The analysis of logical causality has applications in many areas of computer science. For instance, tracking and analyzing logical causality between events in the execution of a concurrent system is required to ensure reversibility [61], to allow the diagnosis of faults in a complex concurrent system [51], or to enforce accountability [60], that is, designing systems in such a way that it can be determined without ambiguity whether a required safety or security property has been violated, and why. More generally, the goal of fault-tolerance can be understood as being to prevent certain causal chains from occurring by designing systems such that each causal chain either has its premises outside of the fault model (e.g., by introducing redundancy [49]), or is broken (e.g., by limiting fault propagation [69]).