Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Denis Dupré, Pierre-Yves Longaretti and Emmanuel Prados are the Scientific Chair of the series of conferences entitled “Understanding and Acting”; see section 9.3.1.
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Scientific Expertise
P. Sturm: Expert for the European Eureka/Eurostars program and for the regional ARC6 program.
Since 2015 Emmanuel Prados is member of the GICN (“Groupe Interdisciplinaire sur les Contributions Nationales”), the group of scientific experts mandated by french ministry of Sustainable Development to prepare the climate change conference COP21 in December. This group is still active and always advises French political actors in climate negotiations.
Research Administration
P. Sturm is, since 2015, Deputy Scientific Director of Inria, in charge of the domain Perception–Cognition–Interaction
E. Prados and P. Sturm organized the Inria – FING partnership. The FING (Fondation Internet Nouvelle Génération) is a think tank working on socio-economic changes inspired by technology and its uses. In 2017, they organized three workshops in the framework of the project “Transition” [].
E. Prados was in charge of the working group “Digital tools for the progress of society” for the Strategic Plan of Inria, 2017. His work resulted in the writing of the Scientific Challenges entitled “Digital world, society, and complexity”.
Denis Dupré, Pierre-Yves Longaretti and Emmanuel Prados are the coordinator of the working group “Democracy and digital technology”. Created in 2017, this working group is a permanent one that gathers various reseachers and actors located at the Grenoble pole. This group leads a global reflection on the digital world and the democratic issues. It aims to bring out lines of action of research in the medium term.