Section: New Results

Tackling the granularity problem

One of the main issues encountered when trying to exploit both CPUs and accelerators is that these devices have very different characteristics and requirements. Indeed, GPUs typically exhibit better performance when executing kernels applied to large data sets while regular CPU cores reach their peak performance with fine grain kernels working on a reduced memory footprint. To work around this granularity problem, task-based applications running on such heterogeneous platforms typically adopt a medium granularity, chosen as a trade-off between coarse-grain and fine-grain kernels. To tackle this granularity problem, we investigated different complementary technics. The first two technics are based on StarPU, performing both load-balancing and scheduling, the third one splits automatically kernels at compile-time and then performs load-balancing.

  • The first technic is based on resource aggregation : we aggregate CPU cores to execute coarse grain tasks in a parallel manner. We have showed that this technic for a dense Cholesky factorization kernel outperforms state of the art implementations on a platform equipped with 24 CPU cores and 4 GPU devices (reaching a peak performance of 4.8 TFlop/s) and on the Intel KNL processor (reaching a peak performance 1.58 TFlop/s).

  • The second technic splits dynamically coarse grain tasks when they are assigned to CPU cores. Tasks can be replaced by a subgraph of tasks of finer granularity, allowing for a finer handling of depencencies and a better pipelining of kernels. This mechanism allowing to deal with hierarchical task graphs has been designed within StarPU. Moreover, it allows to parallelize the task submission flow while preserving the simplicity of the sequential task flow submission paradigm. First experimental results for dense Cholesky factorization kernel show good performance improvements with respect to the native StarPU's implementation.

  • The third technic extends our previous work that provides an automatic compiler and runtime technique to execute single OpenCL kernels on heterogeneous multi-device architectures. Our technique splits computation and data automatically across the multiple computing devices. OpenCL applications that consist in a chain of data-dependent kernels in an iterative computation are now considered.

    The technique proposed is completely transparent to the user, and does not require off-line training or a performance model. It manages sometimes conflicting needs between load balancing each kernel in the chain and minimizing data transfer between consecutive kernels, taking data locality into account. Load-balancing issues, resulting from hardware heterogeneity, load imbalance within a kernel itself, and load variations between repeated executions are also managed.

    Experiments on some benchmarks show the interest of our approach and we are currently implementing it in an OpenCL N-body computation with short-range interactions.