Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • Co-organizer of a local IoT conference, Technoconference 22, IoT et si on connectait le monde: enjeux d'aujourd'hui et de demain, October 5th 2017 - Rennes, P. Couderc.

Scientific Events Selection

  • Mobile Networks and Applications, JM. Bonnin

  • IEEE transactions on Mobile Computing, JM. Bonnin

  • Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, JM. Bonnin

  • Computer Standards & Interfaces, an international journal on Engineering Science and Technology, JM. Bonnin

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • PC member for VTC, NGNS, CARI, ICON, ICIN, JM Bonnin

Invited Talks

  • Invited talk at DATE 2017: "Which interaction models between objects for smarter spaces?", JM Bonnin

  • Invited talk at ENOVA (16/03/2017) Strasbourg: "BMS et charge intelligente de véhicule électrique: une introduction au protocole ISO/IEC 15118", JM Bonnin

  • Invited tutoriel at Digicosme (Saclay) summer school: "Foster digital innovation in Smart Cities", JM Bonnin

  • Invited talk at UTS (22/08/2017): "Fostering digital innovation in Smart Cities and Cooperative autonomous vehicle", JM Bonnin

  • Invited talk at Technoconference, IoT et si on connectait le monde: enjeux d'aujourd'hui et de demain: "Développement d'applications pervasives dans un environnement IoT", F. Weis

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • Jean-Marie Bonnin is member of the scientific council of the GIS ITS

  • Jean-Marie Bonnin is member of the scientific council the Id4Car cluster

  • Jean-Marie Bonnin is an elected member of the Scientific Council of IMT

  • Jean-Marie Bonnin is a scientific advisor of the YoGoKo startup

Scientific Expertise

  • Evaluation committee for the Belgium government, JM. Bonnin

  • Expert for ANR, F. Weis and JM Bonnin

  • Evaluation committee for the CADO (PME Business) challenge (Id4Car, I&R), JM Bonnin

  • Expert for CSV board of "Pôle Images et Réseaux", P. Couderc

Research Administration

  • Head of the Networks, Telecommunication and service department at IRISA, JM. Bonnin