Section: Dissemination
Guillaume Aupy was in charge of hosting the undergraduate students (L3) from ENS Lyon and later ENS Cachan at Inria Bordeaux-Sud Ouest.
Brice Goglin is in charge of the diffusion of the scientific culture for the Inria Research Centre of Bordeaux. He organized several popularization activities involving colleagues.
Brice Goglin was a member of the CGenial contest for science projects in high schools.
François Pellegrini is vice-president of université de Bordeaux, in charge of digital issues.
Online Content
François Pellegrini wrote a tribune in the Binaire blog run by Inria staff and hosted by Le Monde, on the “loyalty of data processing”. See: .
Teaching and Education
Brice Goglin was involved in the MOOC Informatique et Création Numérique which focuses at bringing basics about computer science to high-school teachers. After recording videos, he answered numerous questions on the forum, and during a live hangout about computer architectures and networks. More than 12 000 people registered to the course, and more than 1 200 successfully finished it.
Brice Goglin presented tools for teaching basics of computer science in classes at the teachers' forum at Cap Sciences.
François Pellegrini participated in the creation of video contents for the MOOC Innov+, on the economics of innovation, published on the FUN platform. His contribution concerns the software economy and law. See: .
François Pellegrini was offered the chair on digital issues at Université populaire de Bordeaux, and gave four lectures on: “The digital revolution”, “Liberties in the digital age”, “Personal data and big data”, “Software law and libre software”. See: .
Talks and Hands-on
Guillaume Aupy presented problems revolving around High-Performance Computing to High-School students during Fête de la Science.
Guillaume Aupy gave a talk at the seminar Convergence des Droits et du Numérique about differences and common grounds between mathematical logics and juridic logics.
Brice Goglin gave several talks about computer architecture, high performance computing, and research careers to general public audience, school students. He also gave several hands-on sessions about basics of algorithmics and computer science.
François Pellegrini gave many talks on liberties in the digital world, digital sovereignty, software law and economy, artificial intelligence for legal practice, etc., in front of various audiences: Cap Sciences, ESI Brussels, Lycée Borda in Pau, FACTS festival on arts & sciences in Bordeaux, Cinéma Utopia, CURIE congress in Marseille, Observatoire de Nice, the Defense Security Cyber summer school in Bordeaux, the Réseau Cepage of CNRS Aquitaine, etc.
Popularizing inside Inria
Guillaume Aupy presented problems revolving around High-Performance Computing during the seminar Unithé ou Café.