Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
Serge Abiteboul, organization of Personal Analytics & Privacy workshop, joint with ECML-PKDD 2017, Skopje, Macedonia
Serge Abiteboul, scientific organization of colloquium on La communauté scientifique face au renseignement, École militaire, Parsi, France
Serge Abiteboul, organization of colloquium on Les enjeux scientifiques de l'éthique du numérique, Académie des sciences
Pierre Senellart, organization of ParisBD 2017, Télécom ParisTech, Paris, France
Pierre Senellart, co-organizer of ACM-ICPC Southwestern Europe 2017 competition
Scientific Events Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Invited Talks
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Serge Abiteboul is a member of the French Academy of Sciences, of the Academia Europa, and of the scientific council of the Société Informatique de France.
Scientific Expertise
Research Administration
Serge Abiteboul was the president of the Dune jury (Développement d'universités numériques expérimentales)
Serge Abiteboul participated in the NCU jury (nouveaux cursus à l'université)
Serge Abiteboul contributed to the report on Éthique de la recherche en apprentissage machine of Cerna-Allistene
Serge Abiteboul is co-chair of the “Committee on Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities” of Inria.
Pierre Senellart is a member of the board of section 6 of the National Committee for Scientific Research.
Pierre Senellart is vice-director of the DI ENS laboratory, joint between ENS, CNRS, and Inria.