Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Allocation d'Installation Scientifique – Rennes Métropole

Participant : Emmanuel Caruyer.

Diffusion MRI has been a tremendous tool for the diagnosis of a number of brain pathologies such as abnormal development, neuro-degenerative or inflammatory disorders or brain tumors. Typical resolution in diffusion MRI is about 2mm – this suggests that in white matter, any volume element may contain millions of axons. Although currently we can characterize molecular diffusion, recent developments in diffusion MRI have shown the possibility to quantify more specifically some physical tissue parameters in white matter, such as axonal density and diameter: this means that we can retrieve information from a much smaller scale than the typical imaging resolution.

Acquisition time for this kind of measurements remains long and largely incompatible with in vivo application in humans. This projects aims at developing novel signal processing and acquisition methods for the reconstruction of microstructural informations in a reasonable acquisition time. We will study how sparse representations can be applied to the diffusion signal, in order to enable microstructure information reconstruction. In conjunction with this, we will develop acquisition sequences adapted to these sparse representations, in order to reconstruct the diffusion signal from fewer measurements, using results from the compressive sensing theory.