Research Program
Application Domains
New Software and Platforms
New Results
- Syntax modelling and treebank development
- Modeling of language variability via diachronic embeddings and extra-linguistic contextual features
- Modelling of language variability via diachronic embeddings and extra-linguistic contextual features
- Standardisation of Natural Language data
- Entity-fishing: a generic named entity recognition and disambiguation for digital humanities projects
- From GROBID to GROBID-Dictionaries
- Resources, models and tools for coreference resolution
- Computational history through information extraction from archive texts
- Discovering correlations between parser features and neurological observations
- Evaluating the quality of text simplification
- Advances in descriptive, computational and historical linguistics
- Language resources and NLP tools for Medieval French
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations
Research Program
Application Domains
New Software and Platforms
New Results
- Syntax modelling and treebank development
- Modeling of language variability via diachronic embeddings and extra-linguistic contextual features
- Modelling of language variability via diachronic embeddings and extra-linguistic contextual features
- Standardisation of Natural Language data
- Entity-fishing: a generic named entity recognition and disambiguation for digital humanities projects
- From GROBID to GROBID-Dictionaries
- Resources, models and tools for coreference resolution
- Computational history through information extraction from archive texts
- Discovering correlations between parser features and neurological observations
- Evaluating the quality of text simplification
- Advances in descriptive, computational and historical linguistics
- Language resources and NLP tools for Medieval French
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations