Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Software and Platforms


Keywords: Parsing - Deep learning - Natural language processing

Functional Description: DyALog-SR is a transition-based dependency parser, built on top of DyALog system. Parsing relies on dynamic programming techniques to handle beams. Supervised learning exploit a perceptron and aggressive early updates. DyALog-SR can handle word lattice and produce dependency graphs (instead of basic trees). It was tested during several shared tasks (SPMRL'2013 and SEMEVAL'2014). It achieves very good accuracy on French TreeBank, alone or by coupling with FRMG parser. In 2017, DyALog-SR has been extended into DyALog-SRNN by adding deep neuronal layers implemented with the Dynet library. The new version has participated to the evaluation campaigns CONLL UD 2017 (on more than 50 languages) and EPE 2017.

  • Contact: Éric De La Clergerie