New Software and Platforms
New Results
New Software and Platforms
New Results

Section: New Results

Scaffolding a Skeleton with Quadrangular Tubes

Participant : Evelyne Hubert.

The goal of [22] is to construct a quadrilateral mesh around a one-dimensional skeleton that is as coarse as possible, the “scaffold”. A skeleton allows one to quickly describe a shape, in particular a complex shape of high genus. The constructed scaffold is then a potential support for the surface representation: it provides a topology for the mesh, a domain for parametric representation (a quad mesh is ideal for tensor product splines) or, together with the skeleton, a grid support on which to project an implicit surface that is naturally defined by the skeleton through convolution. We provide a constructive algorithm to derive a quad-mesh scaffold with topologically regular cross-sections (which are also quads), and no T-junctions. We show that this construction is optimal in the sense that no coarser quad mesh with topologically regular cross-sections may be constructed. Finally, we apply an existing rotation minimization algorithm along the skeleton branches, which produces a mesh with a natural edge flow along the shape.

This is joint work with A. Panotopoulou (Dartmouth College), E. Ross (MESH consultants), K. Welker (University of Trier), G. Morin (Intitut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse).