New Software and Platforms
New Results
New Software and Platforms
New Results

Section: New Results

Modeling and Computation of a liquid-vapor bubble formation

Participant : André Galligo.

The Capillary Equation correctly predicts the curvature evolution and the length of a quasi-static vapour formation. It describes a two-phase interface as a smooth curve resulting from a balance of curvatures that are influenced by surface tension and hydrostatic pressures. The present work provides insight into the application of the Capillary Equation to the prediction of single nu-cleate site phase change phenomena. In an effort to progress towards an application of the Capillary Equation to boiling events, a procedure to generating a numerical solution, in which the computational expense is reduced, is reported in [20].

This is a joint work with Frédéric Lesage (LCPI, UCA), Sebastian Minjeaud (JAD, UCA).