Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Aron Simis, University of Recife, Brazil, visited L. Busé for a week (October 8-12) to work on birationality of rational map by means of syzygy-based techniques.
Ibrahim Adamou, Univ. Dan Dicko Dankoulodo de Maradi, Niger, visited B. Mourrain (26 Nov.- 21 Dec.) to work on 3-dimensional VoronoïDiagrams of half-lines and medial axes of curve arcs.
Yairon Cid Ruiz, a PhD srudent at Barcelona in the Arcades network, visited L. Busé for 6 months (October 2017- March 2018) to work on birationality criteria for multi-graded rational maps with a view towards free form deformation problems.
Clément Laroche, a PhD student in Greece in the Arcades network, visited L. Busé and F. Yildirim for one month (October) for a collaboration on implicization matrices of rational curve in arbitrary dimension by means of quadratic relations.
Kim Perriguey, did a six months internship with L. Busé (December 2017-May 2018). She developed paramteric models for the human walk for the extraction of locomotive parameters. This work was done in collaboration with Pierre Alliez (EPI Titane) and the start-up Ekinnox (Sophia Antipolis).
Visits to International Teams
Research Stays Abroad
F. Yildirim was on secondment at MISSLER Topsolid (France), for 3 months (Mai-July).
From October 25th to November 25th, E. Hubert visited the Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (Providence USA) during the program Nonlinear Algebra.